It’s fairly simple to send and receive files on WhatsApp. But, time and again, users find themselves in a situation where they just can’t seem to download a file that was sent to them by someone. As soon as they…
If you are bored of the WhatsApp theme then you are not alone. Many users have complained about the same old WhatsApp theme; some even emailed the organization requesting more themes. Until that request is worked upon, we suggest you…
WhatsApp is one of the most commonly used Instant Messenger today. It also introduces new features to make the app more fun. One such feature is the WhatsApp 30-second status. However, the time limit of 30 seconds to post the…
We all agree that WhatsApp has now become an important communication app used by millions of users globally. It doesn't matter if you are chatting with your buddy, colleague, or a family member, WhatsApp makes it simple to remain in…
Ever wished to post a picture of yourself as a WhatsApp status with the music of your choice? But, here’s the catch, unlike Instagram or Facebook, WhatsApp doesn’t let you add specific audio to your photos or videos. That shouldn't…
WhatsApp is a messaging app that allows users to send text messages, make voice and video calls, share media, and create group chats.