Emotet Trojan- A Banking Trojan Which Has Evolved Dangerously

Emotet Trojan- A Banking Trojan Which Has Evolved Dangerously

There is one cybercrime actor named Mealybug which has been active since long! It became highly popular when the banking trojan Emotet was launched. But recently some changes are being seen in business model. It has evolved from being just a banking trojan to threat distributor! As this one is capable of self-propagation, it is way more challenging for organizations! Once the Emotet trojan is downloaded on a system, it executes a module. This module is known as spreader module and it contains a list of passwords which is further used to unleash Brute Force attack on the system or on network! When Emotet trojan is successful in its spree, it makes it impossible for people to log in to their systems. This can have several severe outcomes!

The problem with Emotet just not ends here! It can spread to other computers as well via spam modules. These modules can generate random emails with subject line “Invoice” or the name of the person whose account has been compromised! It makes it look legit but in reality, they are using the techniques of social engineering! And the mails have a link or an attachment with which the Emotet trojan spreads!

banking trojan
Source: blog.cybertraining365.com


Also Read : IcedID New Banking Trojan

Why Is Emotet In Limelight Again?

Mealybug became public in 2k14 when Emotet trojan was trying to steal banking credentials in Germany, in 2k15 it started targeting Swiss Bank and evolved a bit. It became modular malware which had separate modules for carrying out various tasks! But in 2k17, it helped in delivering ransomware as well. This pointed out that it has become way more dangerous than before! It is now competent enough to deliver threat, make them obscure and difficult to detect which might be problematic for IT professional round the globe! The existing and the latest version of Emotet can move itself to a directory, create LNK file and send details of the host to attacker server! It has four modules, namely Banking module, PST infostealer module, Browser infostealer module, and email client module. And that is why it has gained limelight again. It can now not only steal banking details, email credentials, and extract the email addresses from address book. Moreover, it even has a DDOS module with which it can unleash DDOS attack as well. Simply put, it has become pain for security professionals who are trying to work on antivirus or endpoint security software!

banking trojan
Source: securitymagazine.com

What Can Be Done To Stay Protected From This?

There is no sure shot way to hide from this banking trojan. However, you can start following some practices with which you are not an easy target! Read about the preventions and general practices given below so that you can be protected!

Deploy Multiple Defence Systems

This will surely be helpful, but you’ll have to make sure that the defense systems are not cancelling each other’s effect. They must be supportive to each other. With this, coming up with the best solutions will not be difficult.

Two Factor Authentication

Though this one is pretty obvious but can save you from hassles. Also, being notified about your account activities is good thing.

Must Read : MysteryBot: A New Threat To Your Banking Apps

Be Aware

Don’t be one of those who are technically challenged and refuse to change that! Nobody is asking you to be a software developer, just make sure you are up to date about threats and vulnerabilities. It will help you take necessary actions for the same!

banking trojan
Source: cybertraining365.com

Cyberspace is changing fast, and thus you need to upgrade with it. If you fail to do so you’ll be become an easy target. With proper precautions and alertness, you can save yourself from the Emotet trojan without much hassle! What are your views on this?

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