Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies – What’s Working in 2019?

Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies – What’s Working in 2019?

Facebook Ads and Facebook Pages reach around 2.89 Billion users every day! Facebook has been the most popular social media website worldwide in 2018 and is aiming high on marketing this year as well. It’s offering free membership to reach prospective clients and customers in a highly targeted and engaging way. Facebook has turned out to be a useful channel to generate potential leads and boost up sales of products and services in almost all industries through Facebook ads and Facebook pages.

With more than 2.3 Billions of people on the site, you get an audience for every niche of market you cater. Almost every business today, especially online or E-Commerce, can’t avoid marketing on Facebook in some or other way.

Advertising on Facebook using Facebook Ads and Facebook Pages is comparatively easy if you have a concrete Facebook marketing strategy to connect with a specific group of customer and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

A solid Facebook marketing strategy can help you reach the targeted audience at a time when they’re clued-up to buy or increase awareness of your product, the company, and the services. Continuous advertisement on Facebook keeps you on top of mind when your customers are ready to buy. We have researched and done a case study to identify effective Facebook marketing strategies that will help you do wonders in Marketing and sales.

Also Read: Tips to Keep your Data Safe from Facebook

Changes You Should Make To Your Facebook Marketing Strategy 2019.

Balance short video clips with other media types

As per the research, the trend of short videos increased rapidly and grabbed the number 1 position in Facebook marketing strategy. Facebook Ads and Facebook Pages containing Videos perform better than all other types of Facebook posts. Brands like MTV and Vice Media laid off their writers and replaced their written content with short videos. You need to strategize that you shouldn’t rely only on short-form videos and should balance images, links and other media forms along with short videos. Consider maintaining a healthy equilibrium of content types, rather than going deep with the trend.

Types of Posts on Facebook digital marketing

Digital Marketing Channels

First, you need to identify which digital marketing channels are doing wonders in today’s online marketing business. In our study, we found that 93.7% of business rely on Facebook Marketing as their primary digital marketing channel for making money. This is the most beneficial and widely used social media network among all other options available in the market. If we consider top 5 digital marketing channels for the global market, Facebook is followed by Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Rest of them are considered generally for the local market.

digital marketing channel usage

Most Common Reactions to Top Facebook Video Posts

Video Posts have become so popular on Facebook that almost 81% of the posts are video posts. Now to gauge the product review, we may consider the most common reactions to our Facebook video posts. As per the stats, people like Facebook Ads on Facebook Pages containing video posts rather than following a link or infographic.

As per the reactions captured over here, you can analyze human psychology and gain a better understanding of ‘why’ people like certain types of content on Facebook and what to create for your brand in the future.

Above study shows that people are responding to content that is funny, inspirational or a blend of both feelings. Inspirational, funny, and practical content generates the most engagement. That indicates that brands should focus on creating funny commercial content with emotions.

Reactions on Facebook Posts - Digital Marketing

Gather Customer’s Data

There are several ways to gather customer’s valuable data. This helps us in marketing and understanding what customers are looking for and what’s in trend. This database is also potential for marketing our product and services using Facebook Ads on Facebook Pages to generate possible business. Some of the most effective techniques which we’ve used are as follows:

  • Emails
  • Surveys
  • Social media posts
  • Trade shows and conferences
  • Chat widgets like Drift or Intercom
  • Customer interviews
  • NPS scores

Boost Up Your Facebook Engagement Rate

To boost up your Facebook engagement rate, you should take advantage of new tools for Facebook marketing strategies. You should do a big-picture reality check before deciding upon your Facebook marketing strategies. Here is how can your brand increase engagement on the social media platform in 2019.

Publish Frequently for Better Engagement

Volume of Facebook Posts By Top 20,000 Facebook Pages

Most successful brands publish around 4–5 posts a day however if you post less than once a day, it will significantly drop your engagement rate. So, it is advisable to at least publish once a day to take advantage of the higher engagement rates.

Publish Short Duration Videos For Post Engagement

Average Interactions By Video Length

As per the case study, the ideal video length to be published on Facebook for user engagement should be between 30–120 seconds. Videos which are lesser than 2 minutes, receive the highest engagement and are more liked than long duration videos.

“Tips: Make Vertical Videos instead of Horizontal as 95% users use Facebook on Smartphones which is vertical.”

Perform a Big-Picture Reality Check

Using Facebook for marketing needs a lot of research and effective Facebook marketing strategies to go for a concrete reality check. You should have defined KPI’s, clear goals, and a path to ensure effective Facebook marketing strategies.

Brainstorm these questions:

  • What is your brand’s purpose on Facebook?
  • Which key performance indicators will you use to track success?
  • How will you track ROI for Facebook?

If you are aware of your goals and are specific about what you want to achieve from your audience, your strategy will play a major role in your success accordingly.

facebook branding goals and revenue linked goals

Also Read: How To Anonymously Report Abuse Online: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Add Specialized Features

Facebook Messenger’s intuitive interface makes it a potent tool for brands to speak directly to their consumers. It encourages the brand to capitalize on developments of AI and chatbots when interacting with consumers online. Facebook Messenger is preloaded with such intelligent and trending tools.

Facebook’s Post Scheduling Tool is one of the most advanced tools used for Facebook marketing strategies. While other platforms force marketers to jump elsewhere to schedule posts like ‘TweetDeck’ for Twitter, ‘HootSuite’ or ‘Sprout Social’ for Instagram, the Facebook content calendar allows content to be scheduled for posting in advance.

Facebook Stories is another useful tool for marketers. Though, it has faced a lot of criticism from the public as it is considered to be a replica of Instagram even if Instagram is being owned by Facebook. Whatever people think of it, all you need to consider is that it appears on the top of the Facebook app every time and the best way to publish your Facebook Ads on Facebook Pages.

Facebook’s Dark Ads OR Dark Posts are the new ‘AI’ based feature that maintains a delicate balance between manipulation and relevance. It is capable of using people’s data in a responsible manner to give them the information they need. Dark ads is a method of targeted advertising which means your audience will only get, what they choose to see.

Facebook messaging Tools are getting streamlined as per sources that means Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram will all be bundled under one umbrella and will be sold under one messaging package. By doing so, Facebook would allow cross-app messaging which would support collective advertising across these messenger apps.

Analyze Interaction For Content Types

As per the study, Link posts might turn out to be the most popular choice however videos played a major role in marketing and generating the highest number of interactions.

  • Videos tend to have 65% more interactions than images
  • Images tend to have 105% more interactions than status updates
  • Status updates have 50% fewer interactions than images
  • Link posts have 72% fewer interactions than videos

The learning we take out using this study is that video content is the most engaging content on Facebook. Though, not all pages can create their own content on a regular interval for posting on Facebook so they prefer to engage the audience by images.

Ideal Post Length

As we have analyzed the ideal video duration perfect to engage the audience, we have also studied ideal post length for an engaging post. This has been a common point of argument to keep short or longer posts. Our answer might not be right or wrong but it is based on a case study and as per the trend.

Ideal Post Length on Facebook

If we study the above chart, we can understand that we don’t necessarily need to create longer captions if the accompanying content is appealing enough to engage the audience. That means an engaging video or image doesn’t need a large caption to convince your followers to pay attention to it. Though, a link post may require further explanation for a post or link on your Page.

“If you want us to analyze and post an article on how to effectively post a marketing advertisement on a page, do write to us in the comment section.”

Summing Up

We have covered effective Facebook marketing strategies which will surely work to build an efficient marketing plan. We have tried to cover the most recent and advanced analysis and case study for marketing strategies however if you find anything which should be added, your comments are always welcome. If this article turned out to be helpful to you, please like and share this with your colleagues. For more such tips, tricks and tech-related updates visit Tweak Library and if you are more into tech-related videos do watch and subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can also reach us on Facebook and Pinterest.

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