One of the best tactical strategy games with all mixture of strategic skills, in-depth storytelling and preemptive gameplay where each player has to challenge its limits is the Fire Emblem game series for Nintendo. Japan received its first Fire Emblem game on Nintendo on April 20, 1990. These games were introduced and created by Shouzou Kaga (Father of ). The Fire Emblem series thrived in the international market rapidly, and all credit goes to Marth and Roy in Super Smash Bros game.
After getting huge success in Japan, all the Fire Emblem games were released in nearby countries & got popular all around the world. After launching the Fire Emblem series worldwide, the company changed the definition of tactical RPGs in 2003. It’s like if you win the game, it’s a win-win situation altogether, however, if you get defeated once in the battle, you lose permanently. All the Fire Emblem series are similar to Final Fantasy sequences, but some were with individual differences. Some series are a sequel to others, but most of them have unique characters, new stories and a few alterations in mechanics to make it easier.
Best Fire Emblem Games to Play on Nintendo. Have a look!
1. Radiant Dawn

Radiant Dawn is a tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. This game is basically for Nintendo WiFi console, and it is a direct sequel of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. The game is categorized into four parts with a different perspective of each. A player has to save innocent citizens from a set of enemies. You can upgrade your player via powers, accuracy, and skills which can ultimately be increased to level 40.
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2. Blazing Blade

Blazing Blade is a tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for Game Boy video game console. This is one of the best fire emblem games that features three main characters Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn. Eliwood and Hector have an intimate connection with previous Fire Emblem characters. The game is divided into two-story segments that revolve around quests, and in the end, players have to fight against the main villain (Nergal).
3. Shadows Of Valentia

Shadows Of Valentia is a tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo 3DS handheld video game console. A Player can choose between two different settings: Casual and Classic mode. In Classic mode, if a player gets defeated in combat, he/she has to serve to death. While in Casual mode, if a player is defeated in a clash, he/she gets knockout from the battle. Shadow of Valentia is a journey of two childhood friends who wants peace in Valentia.
4. Conquest

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest is another tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo 3DS video game console. Birthright and Conquest are the best fire emblem game series that features two games with different stories. Conquest game is designed for those who love hardcore challenges while Birthright is aimed for casual fans. A severe tactical strategy game with story mode on every mission, which is damn hard to complete.
5. Birthright

Birthright is another tactical role-playing and a part of the fire emblem fate series, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for gaming consoles. Fire emblem fates were released in three versions with a similar storyline and same characters, in which Birthright and Conquest were unconfined physically and Revelation as downloadable content. Birthright is the starting point to twitch with, and we also recommend the player to play all three series to experience the Fire Emblem series to the fullest.
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6. Sacred Stones

Sacred Stones is another excellent tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for Game Boy Advance handheld video game console. A Player will find the same mechanics which are used in the Blazing Blade game; however, the battle takes place on a utterly entire continent. Take the royal siblings Erika and Ephraim during separate campaigns as you must fight with forces and defeat them in your homeland, along with the allies.
7. Path Of Radiance

Path Of Radiance is one of the ideal fire emblem warriors tactical role-playing video game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for GameCube home consoles. Since it’s a ninth series of Fire Emblem game, the set on the continent of Tellius and has an entirely new and fresh story from the previous best Fire Emblem game series. A Player must follow Ike and his role in his father’s mercenary company which operates borders of the nation, Crimea. The main conflict is between the human and beast race which is the primary conflict of this game. Defeat the beast and conquer the nation.
8. Binding Blade

Binding Blade is another fire emblem tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for GBA (Game Boy Advance) handheld video game console. This is the sixth Fire Emblem game in the series, and it’s set on the continent of Elibe. A Player has to follow Roy, son of Eliwood featured in the first game. Save the continent from the dragons which were released by an invader and create violence between two countries. Fight with the army and conquer the nation is the goal of the game.
9. Shadow Dragon

Shadow Dragon is another fire emblem warrior tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for DS handheld video game console. Shadow Dragon is the first Fire Emblem game. Strategic based combat which uses casual mode for those who hadn’t played one of the games before. The story revolves around the ironic Prince Marth, who is trying to retrieve the stolen Falchion to destroy the shadow dragon.
10. Awakening

Awakening is one the best and popular fire emblem tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the 3DS handheld video game console. Awakening was the first game to be introduced in the series of Nintendo 3DS debut. The gameplay revolves around the combat knockouts with a playable character that can be customized easily. Win all battles and share your glory!
11. Three Houses

Three Houses is a worth trying tactical role-playing game and one of the best Fire Emblem game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published worldwide by Nintendo. Graphics of the game are crisp and quite impressive to explore. The game is split between the traditional combat missions and sections that take place in the monastery. The game is inspired by Genealogy of the Holy War, favorite among the Fire Emblem Games.
12. Fire Emblem Fates

Check out our next popular role-playing game, Fire Emblem most ambitious of all in the entire series, developed by Intelligent Systems and published worldwide by Nintendo. To start this game, a player must complete Birthright and Conquest and DLC Revelations to enjoy the full fire emblem gaming experience. An avatar protagonist is capable of turning into a powerful dragon, of defeating other dragons to clear several levels & fight more battles.
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13. Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes is a free-to-play tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for Android and iOS devices. This is the first fire emblem game that moved to Android and iOS devices but, eventually, the series got broke. All the characters and spirits have been replaced by cutesy chibi versions and strategy has been simplifying to the point of idleness. Collect cash, unlock characters and complete all the levels to stay in the game.
14. Fire Emblem Warriors

Fire Emblem Warriors is a hack and slash role-playing video game, developed by Omega Force and published by Koei Tecmo for Nintendo Switch and New Nintendo 3DS. Warriors game combined both the world with strategy series elements, which played a major part including Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, and Samurai warriors. Fire Emblem Warriors is another great storyteller game, just clear all the levels and vanish enemies to retain in the game.
15. Fire Emblem GBA

Fire Emblem GBA is the last tactical role-playing game in our list, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. GBA is Fire Emblem’s first game which was published on the Gameboy Advance console. The gameplay is quite easier and understandable to play. Great character development, writing, and perfect translation to complete all the missions.
We have mentioned above the Best Fire Emblem games to play on Nintendo console. If we have missed any particular game that you love or if you have any suggestions, feel free to mention in the comments section below.
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