Fixed – Windows 10 Could Not Reconnect All Network Drives

When trying to access data on the office network, have you ever come across “Could not reconnect all network drives”? If yes, this blog can be of help. But first, let’s try and understand what a network drive is.

Fixed – Windows 10 Could Not Reconnect All Network Drives

When trying to access data on the office network, have you ever come across “Could not reconnect all network drives”? If yes, this blog can be of help. But first, let’s try and understand what a network drive is.

What Is A Network Drive?

A network drive or a mapped drive is a storage device present on the Local Area Network present within home or business. It could be located on a NAS (Network-attached storage) or a server. It mostly appears with locally installed drives. However, with network drives, users can be given permissions to edit, copy, delete, and even upload data.

Why Windows 10 Could Not Reconnect All Network Drives At Boot Up?

It could be that the drives mapped might have been disconnected or have been failing. Another problem could be that Windows is trying to map drives even before the network is available.

If the problem is persistent, here are some measures you can undertake to resolve the issue.

Ways To Fix Windows Could Not Reconnect All Network Drives –

1. Using The Group Editor Policy

using The Group Editor Policy

In case Windows 10 could not reconnect all network drives at boot up, you may have to configure the local group policy object. By doing this, Windows will wait for the connection to establish before the mapping of drives takes place –

1. Open the run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys

2. Type gpedit.msc

3. Head to Computer Configuration > Administrative templates> System > Logon

4. Enable Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon

5. Click the Save button

6. Restart the computer

2. Disconnect The Drive

In case you are getting an error “could not reconnect all network drives” in Windows, you can disconnect all network drives. To do that go to the network drive and right-click on it. Then select Disconnect. Alternatively, you can do the same by following the steps mentioned below –

1. Double Click on This PC

2. Click on Map Network Drive from the top pane

3. Select Disconnect network drive

Map Network Drive

3. Use Command Prompt and Powershell Scripts At The Start-Up

If the above methods don’t seem to work, you can run scripts at the startup which would further help you map drives. Here we will give you scripts for both the Command Prompt as well as the Powershell.

Also Read: Difference Between PowerShell & CMD in Windows 10

Note: You must have an active network connection when following the steps mentioned below –

Command Prompt

1. Open a Notepad

2. Copy and paste the following script

PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted" >> "%TEMP%\StartupLog.txt" 2>&1

PowerShell -File "%SystemDrive%\Scripts\MapDrives.ps1" >> "%TEMP%\StartupLog.txt" 2>&1

New Text Document

3. Name this file as cmd and save it to any desired location


1. Open another Notepad

2. Copy and paste the following script




$MappedDrives = Get-SmbMapping |where -property Status -Value Unavailable -EQ | select LocalPath,RemotePath

 foreach( $MappedDrive in $MappedDrives)


try {

New-SmbMapping -LocalPath $MappedDrive.LocalPath -RemotePath $MappedDrive.RemotePath -Persistent $True

} catch {

Write-Host "There was an error mapping $MappedDrive.RemotePath to $MappedDrive.LocalPath"



    $i = $i - 1

    if($error.Count -eq 0 -Or $i -eq 0) {break}

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30


Next Text Document Command

3. Save the script as MapDrives.ps1. It is essential that you use this name.

After you have created the scripts, head to your StartUp folder and follow the steps mentioned below –

4. Navigate to %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

5. Copy and paste the cmd script in this folder

6. Now head to your system drive and create another folder by the name Scripts

7. In this folder paste the Powershell script

8. Reboot your computer

9. You should now be able to see your mapped drives with no hassles.

4. Use The Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler is an alternative if you don’t want to use the StartUp folder. As the name suggests, Task Schedular lets you run and execute the scripts. Here are the steps using which you will be able to use the Task Scheduler to resolve the “Could not reconnect all network drives” in Windows –

1. In the Windows search bar type Task Scheduler and click on Open

2. Create a task by clicking on the Action and then choosing the Create Task option

3. By default, you will enter the General tab. Here enter the name of the task such as mapping network drive script

4. Click on Change User or Group. Select a local group or a user and then click on OK

5. Check the Run with highest privileges

6. Click on Triggers tab and click on New

7. Click on the dropdown next to Begin the task and select At log on and then click the OK button

8. Head to Actions tab and click on the New button

9. Choose Start a program from the Action drop-down and then choose Powershell.exe

10. Enter the following command in the box –

-windowsstyle hidden -command .\MapDrives.ps1 >> %TEMP%\StartupLog.txt 2>&1

11. In Start in enter the following location to enter the location of the PowerShell script


12. Click OK

13. Now, go to the Conditions tab and make sure that  Start only if the following network connection is available is checked

14. From the dropdown select Any connection

15. Click on OK

5. Disable The Appropriate Option At The Start-Up Using The Registry Editor

Registry Editor - windows

At the outset, we’d like to emphasize that it is always a good practice to create a backup of registries before making any modifications to them. With the backup handy even if something goes wrong, you can restore your existing registries and avoid any mishaps. With that out of the way let’s see how we can resolve the “Could not reconnect all network drives” in Windows using the registry editor –

1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys

2. Type Regedit

3. Navigate to the below-mentioned path –


4. On the right-hand side double-click on the NetworkProvider

Note: If you are unable to find this value, right-click on the RestoreConnection folder, click on New and then click on DWORD Value. Set the value as 0. This will disable the mapped network drive message.

5. Save the changes and close the editor

6. Reboot your system

Wrapping Up

We hope that with the above-mentioned ways you will not be seeing the “Could not reconnect all network drives” on your Windows 10 PC. If the blog helped, do let us know in the comment section and share it with your friends.

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Fixed: Windows Couldn’t Find A Driver For Your Network Adapter

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