Write Your Next Best Script With These Script Writing Apps

Write Your Next Best Script With These Script Writing Apps

Almost every moving soul on the planet loves movies. But, it’s not just what we see on the silver screen that makes or breaks a movie. One of the most crucial aspects of a movie is the script. Gone are those days when one had to put a pen to several papers to jot down an award winning script. Just as everything else, even scripts have been digitized. That’s why script writing software aren’t just used by cinematic professionals but those who wish to learn the nuances of scriptwriting also use them.

And, since a spectacular scene might just pop into your head anywhere, you can use script writing apps too. Here we will enlist some of the most popular paid and free script writing software using which you might just end up drafting your next best script.   

Final Draft – The King Of Script writing Software

Final draft - script writing software
Source: finaldraft.com

If you are a screenwriter or aspire to become one, chances are you have already come across to this best free scriptwriting software. Yes! When we say its the best, we mean it. TV, Plays, Films – name the format and you shall be able to deliver an impeccable script every time. It’s in fact the choice of preference of production houses the likes of Netflix, BBC, Walt Disney, Paramount and many such big names.

With Final Draft you get to brainstorm your ideas like no other scriptwriting software. You can even completely customize your writing environment too. The beat option can be used to sort character arcs, plot points, location ideas and many more. Plus, you can even color code these ideas for ready reference as well

Compatibility: Apple/ Windows

Script Writing Apps For You If You Are A Smartphone User

(i) Fade In

fade in screenwriting software

The app for Script Writing has been applauded by renowned writers who’ve dished out movies like Stars Warz, Venom, Chernobyl and many others. Using this app you can take care of script nuances such as script styling, script formatting, choosing characters and navigating through the whole script.

You can export your script to Google Drive/ OneDrive and Dropbox.

Compatibility: Apple / Android

(ii) WriterDuet

WriterDuet - screenplay software

Just as WriterDuet surfaces as the screenplay writing software for desktop, it works just the same as an app too. It is absolutely free and allows to easily format your script and switch between elements with ease. The best part is you can create automatic backups on the cloud so that just in case of any mishap you can work with the older versions instead beginning afresh.

This script writing app is so intuitive and easy to use that it doesn’t let your focus wander from story because switching between elements such as dialogues and action lines is so easy.

Compatibility: Apple / Android

Script Writing Apps For You If You Have A Windows Or Mac

(i)  Highland

Highland - best free script writing software

Throw in any document and Highland will work its magic. Still it remains a specialist in drafting screenplays. The design of this screenplay writing software is clean and intuitive, so much so, that you won’t just be harping on format but you would be focused more and more important aspects such as words, contexts and several others.

The Screenwriting tool also comes packed with features such as custom themes and revision modes too. Just so you know, it has been lauded by 21 Jump Street and Lego movie writer/ director – Phil Lord

Compatibility: Mac

(ii) Trelby

Trelby - free screenwriting software

If you are an aspiring screenwriter, Trelby is a screenplay writing software that you must have. Now, this is a cross platform software for writing screenplay that means you can export the files of Trelby to other screenplay software like Fountain, Final Draft, PDF. If you think that you might have to compromise with quality worry not as Trelby delivers the same output everywhere.

Another thing that might amaze you is its size which is amazingly low!

Compatibility: Windows/ Linux

Final Word

If you have the writer bug in you, you will be inclined to weave stories but if you want the biggies of the industry to hear you, give the script writing apps and screenplay writing software a go. Did we manage to bring the hidden writer in you out. If yes, then smash the comment section with your comments and do let us know if there is anything that you would want us to write on.

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