Now You Can Turn iPhone Into iPod – Here’s How

Yes, you read that right. You can now turn your iPhone into an iPod. How cool’s that? The iPod has had a long legacy and fandom. From the first-generation iPod that was released way back in 2001 to the last iPod Classic that was released that the world saw in 2014-15, Apple gave its users something more than a standard MP3 player. It was a perfect combination of superior quality and innovation. No surprise, it has garnered millions of fans.

Now You Can Turn iPhone Into iPod – Here’s How

Yes, you read that right. You can now turn your iPhone into an iPod. How cool’s that? The iPod has had a long legacy and fandom. From the first-generation iPod that was released way back in 2001 to the last iPod Classic that was released that the world saw in 2014-15, Apple gave its users something more than a standard MP3 player. It was a perfect combination of superior quality and innovation. No surprise, it has garnered millions of fans.

If you have been an Apple iPod touch user (and a fan), you must have loved the sweet sound that its Classic click wheel-made every time you spun it for navigating. Sure, you now have your iPhone device on which you can store hundreds, thousands or even more videos and songs but that Classic Apple iPod Touch had a charm of its own. There are iPod Classic themes in App Store that let you do so.

Honestly speaking, with these skins, you probably won’t be able to differentiate if it was your iPhone or an iPod in your hands. Quite recently, we have had two apps that let you change the look and feel of your standard iOS to a Classic iPod.

But, here’s a question – isn’t it that Apple does not allow any products that replicate images from other Apple products? How did these apps make it to the App Store despite Apple having strong review policies? We shall answer all these questions, so read till last.


Let’s start with the latest app that’s creating all the roars. ‘Rewound’ is a third-party app developed by Louis Anslow from Rethought Agency that emulates the iPod Classic interface. You can get it for free from the App Store.

Here are some of the features of this app that you’ll get after adding this iPod Classic theme, and will able to turn your iPhone into an iPod. Also, mentioned below are some future developments that are most likely to follow –

  • Rewound runs on iPhone and iPod Touch that run on iOS 10 and above
  • The iPod Classic themes that this app has are highly customizable, and there are more downloadable skins that can turn iPhone into iPod
  • It has the classic click wheel with buttons for navigation along with the haptic feedback
  • As of now Rewound supports Apple Music but soon it will also support Spotify too
  • You shall soon be able to access the iPad Nano right from the lock screen itself

How Did Rewound Make It To The App Store?

Apple surely has some very stringent review policies. And, while Apple doesn’t usually permit any apps emulating existing apple interfaces and products, here’s a clever workaround that Anslow adhered to, he created a third-party app that gives you the option to add skins from photos.

Also Read: How To Do Screen Mirroring From iPhone/iPad To TV

The Initiative Is Not Just Confined To Rewound Only

Apart from Anslow, Elvin Hu, a young design student at Cooper Union College in New York City too took the plunge and is working on an app that lets you live the nostalgia of the classic iPod classic click wheel.

If this project capitalizes, we’d soon have another app that will –

  • Help you turn your iPhone into iPod
  • You will have the same click sounds and haptic feedback
  • The good old 3D interface to flip and scroll through albums. There would also be song artworks just like the old interface
  • The app would also work in the landscape mode too

As of now, there still are workarounds that Hu needs to apply in his app so that it makes it to the App Store. It is for this project that father of iPod, Tony Fadell has applauded Hu saying that it is a nice throwback.

A Backup Plan If Apple Blocks The Release

Elvin Hu’s project is garnering a fantastic response and it is for the same that he aims at releasing the app as an open-source project. Hu expects to complete the app project by December end.

Live The Charm Of A Bygone Era By – Turn iPhone Into iPod

MP3 players were a thing back in the day. If you’re a 90’s kid or even a 2000’s kid you’ve probably flaunted an MP3 player. And, if you had an iPod Classic, you probably were the star of the show. Well! It’s time to relive that era, thanks to the initiative as mentioned above which let you download iPod classic themes. For more such news and tech-related stuff, keep reading Tweak Library Blog.

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