How To Setup Payments & Send Money On WhatsApp for Android

How To Setup Payments & Send Money On WhatsApp for Android

WhatsApp has managed to grab every attention of users, thanks to its varied range of features like pinning chats, hiding WhatsApp Status, group chats and many more.

With such an extended user base, Facebook-owned messaging platform does not end here and has been known for launching new features. One such amazing and totally useful feature to be launched by WhatsApp is WhatsApp Pay.

The feature of making Payments on WhatsApp is yet to be announced officially and will make use of the country-specific United Payments Interface. This framework will allow people to send money through WhatsApp.

This article will educate about how to set WhatsApp Pay and send money through WhatsApp.

How to set up payments on WhatsApp for Android

The first thing while setting up WhatsApp pay is to link your bank account. Since UPI majorly works with the mobile number registered with the bank account being added, it is easy to set up and works with almost every Indian bank.

An interesting thing about this is that even without a UPI account associated with your bank account, you will still be able to use WhatsApp Pay since WhatsApp itself will create a UPI ID for you.

Continue reading to know what you need to do.

  1. Launch WhatsApp on your Android phone.
  2. Click on the three dots from the top-right corner of the screen/
  3. From the drop-down menu click on Payments.
WhatsApp Pay
Source: Android Central
  1. From the Payments page, select Add new payment method.
  2. From the Send and receive money securely with UPI page, tap on Accept and continue.
  3. The next page will display a list of Banks. From here, select the bank with which your UPI has been registered.
display a list of Banks
Source: Android Central
  1. After you have selected the bank, you will be asked to verify your mobile number. It is to be noted that the WhatsApp number entered and the one registered with the bank should be the same. Once you have entered the number, click on Verify via SMS.
  2. Tap on Allow to verify that the SIM number linked with the bank.
  3. Once again click on Allow to allow WhatsApp to send you text to verify your bank account.
WhatsApp to send you text
Source: Android Central
  1. Post this WhatsApp will verify all the bank accounts associated with the number and pull out the records. Choose the bank you want to set up for WhatsApp pay so that you can send money through WhatsApp.
  2. Finally, click Done to finish the setup of WhatsApp Pay.
  3. Once all the above-mentioned steps are performed correctly, you will be able to see the payment method on the payments page.
payment method
Source: Android Central

How to Send Money Through WhatsApp for Android

Now that we have known how to set up WhatsApp Pay to send payment on WhatsApp, next is to know how to send money through WhatsApp.

To do so,

  1. Open WhatsApp on your Android phone.
  2. Look for the contact you wish to send money using WhatsApp and click on it.
  3. Click on the Clip icon from the conversation screen.
  4. Post this click on payment.
WhatsApp for Android
Source: Android Central
  1. Choose the amount you want to send through WhatsApp.
  2. You will then be asked to enter the UPI PIN.
  3. Once you have entered the correct UPI PIN, the payment will be done through WhatsApp and a conversation message will appear in the conversation window.
payment will be done through WhatsApp
Source: Android Central

That was all, with the kind of features WhatsApp adds to it and the inclination of users towards digital payments, WhatsApp Pay is one feature that will definitely attract user base.

Also Read: How To Enable Dark Mode On WhatsApp on Android and iOS Devices

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