Most Useful Windows Run Commands You Should Know

Most Useful Windows Run Commands You Should Know

Regardless of the version of Windows, you are using, be it Windows 10 or an earlier version, Run Commands are used to access various aspects of your computer without navigating through the Control Panel or Menu options. If you want to tweak your system to make it more responsive and as good as new, you may find these commands useful.

When you know the corresponding Run command of a tool or task, it becomes invariably easy and quick to access any tool or task. Run Command for Windows users can quickly open almost any application/program or task in Windows system. To reduce the difficulty of navigating through hundreds of thousands of options available in Windows 10, Microsoft offers a quick option using Run command box to open Windows programs and get things done.

Also Read: How to Fix “Print Spooler Service Not Running” Error in Windows 10

How to use Run Commands

Press (Win + R) keys together to bring up the Run dialog box. You can also press (Win + X) and then press ‘R’ to open the Run dialog box. Here you need to type a command and press ‘Enter’ key OR click ‘OK’ to quickly open the application.

Use Run Commands

Useful Run Commands for Tweaking Windows

prefetch Opens Windows Prefetch folder
temp Opens Windows temporary folder
%temp% Opens user’s temporary folder
Command Opens the command prompt
Compmgmt.msc Opens the computer management console
Devmgmt.msc Opens the device manager
Dfrg.msc Opens Windows’ disk defragmenter
Diskmgmt.msc Opens the disk management tool
Eventvwr.msc Opens the event viewer
Fsmgmt.msc Opens shared folders
Gpedit.msc Opens the group policy editor
Lusrmgr.msc Opens the local users and groups
Mailto: Opens the default email client
Msconfig Opens the system configuration utility
Msinfo32 Opens the system information utility
Perfmon.msc Opens the performance monitor
Regedit Opens the registry editor
Rsop.msc Opens resultant set of policy
Secpol.msc Opens local security settings
Services.msc Opens services utility
Sysedit Opens system configuration editor
System.ini Windows loading information
Win.ini Windows loading information
Winver Shows current version of Windows

Control Panel Access Run Commands

We can use the following run commands to access various parts of the Control Panel directly.

Appwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs
Timedate.cpl Date/Time Properties
Desk.cpl Display Properties
Fonts Fonts Folder
Inetcpl.cpl Internet Properties
Main.cpl keyboard Keyboard Properties
Main.cpl Mouse Properties
Mmsys.cpl Multimedia Properties
Netcpl.cpl Network Properties
Password.cpl Password Properties
Printers Printers Folder
Mmsys.cpl sounds Sound Properties
Sysdm.cpl System Properties

Most useful Run Commands to access multiple applications, options and properties of windows system.

You may also use the ‘Search Bar’ as an alternative for Run dialogue box.

Access Multiple Application and properties of windows with Run Commands

Command Opens
winver About Windows
devicepairingwizard Add a Device
hdwwiz Add Hardware Wizard
control admintools Administrative Tools
systempropertiesadvanced Advanced System Settings
Netplwiz Advanced User Accounts Control Panel
control userpasswords2 Advanced User Control Panel
control All Control Panel Items
%AppData% App Data
azman.msc Authorization Manager
control color Personalization Settings
control desktop Personalization Settings
fsquirt Bluetooth File Transfer
bootim Boot Options
c: C Drive
calc Calculator
certmgr.msc Certificate Manager
sysdm.cpl Change Computer Settings
systempropertiescomputername Change Computer Settings
systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention Change Data Execution Prevention Settings
printui Change Printing Settings
charmap Character Map
chkdsk Check Disk
cttune ClearType Text tuner
cliconfg Client Configuration Utility
colorcpl Color Management
cmd Command Prompt
%CommonProgramFiles% Common Files
comp Compare Files Command
comexp.msc Component Services
compmgmt.msc Computer Management
CompMgmtLauncher Computer Management
mmc Console Root
wab Contacts
timedate.cpl Date and time
debug Debug Folder
computerdefaults Default Apps
defrag Defrag Command
devmgmt.msc Device Manager
hdwwiz.cpl Device Manager
control printers Devices and Printers
msdt Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard
tabcal Digital Calibration Tool
dxdiag DirectX Diagnostic Tool
cleanmgr Disk Cleanup
diskmgmt.msc Disk Management
diskpart Diskpart Command
dccw Display Color Calibration
desk.cpl Display Settings
dpiscaling Display Settings
drwatson Dr. Watson
verifier Driver Verifier Manager
control access.cpl Ease of Access Center
edit Edit Command
eventvwr Event Viewer
excel Excel
Excel /safe Excel in Safe Mode
nslookup Execute NSLOOKUP Command
fxscover Fax Cover Page Editor
rekeywiz File Encryption
explorer File Explorer
control folders File Explorer Options
filehistory File History
sigverif File Signature Verification
firefox Firefox
flashplayerapp Flash Player Settings Manager
control fonts Fonts
fonts Fonts Folder
ftp FTP Command
joy.cpl Game Controllers
control appwiz.cpl,,1 Get Programs
systempropertieshardware Hardware Settings
%HomeDrive% Home Drive
%HomePath% Home Path
iexpress Iexpress Wizard
wabmig Import to Windows Contacts
irprops.cpl Infrared
iexplore Internet Explorer
inetcpl.cpl Internet Properties
javaws Java Web Start
control keyboard Keyboard Properties
main.cpl keyboard Keyboard Properties
lpksetup Language Pack Installer
gpedit.msc Local Group Policy Editor
secpol.msc Local Security Policy Editor
lusrmgr.msc Local Users and Groups
telephon.cpl Location Information
logoff Log out of computer
magnify Magnifier
TpmInit Manage TPM Security Hardware
mip Math Input Panel
msaccess Microsoft Access
iscsicpl Microsoft iSCSC Initiator Configurator Tool
Outlook Microsoft Outlook
Outlook /safe Microsoft Outlook Safe Mode
mspaint Microsoft Paint
powerpnt Microsoft PowerPoint
Powerpoint /safe Microsoft PowerPoint Safe Mode
regsvr32 Microsoft Registry Server
recdisc Microsoft Windows Repair Disc
control mouse Mouse Properties
main.cpl Mouse Properties
narrator Narrator Settings
utilman Narrator Settings
control netconnections Network Connections
ncpa.cpl Network Connections
%LogonServer% Network Server Path
notepad Notepad
odbcconf ODBC configuration
odbcad32 ODBC Data Source Administrator
osk On-Screen Keyboard
mailto: Open Default Mail Application
Website address Open entered URL in default browser
shell:recyclebinfolder Open Recycle Bin
dfrgui Optimize Drives
pbrush Paint
tabletpc.cpl Pen and Touch Settings
perfmon Performance Monitor
systempropertiesperformance Performance Options
dialer Phone Dialer
dvdplay Play DVD
powercfg.cpl Power Options
presentationsettings Presentation Settings
printmanagement.msc Print Management
printbrmui Printer Migration
eudcedit Private Character Editor
%AllUsersProfile% Program Data
%ProgramFiles% Program Files
appwiz.cpl Programs and Features
displayswitch Project Menu
dpapimig Protected Content Migration
recoverydrive Recovery Media Creator
intl.cpl Region Settings
regedit Registry Editor
mstsc Remote Desktop Connection
perfmon /res Resource and Performance Monitor
rsop.msc Resultant Set of Policy
wiaacmgr Scanner
wscui.cpl Security and Maintenance
services.msc Services
control appwiz.cpl,,3 Set Program Access and Computer Defaults
shrpubw Share Creation Wizard
fsmgmt.msc Shared Folders
shutdown Shutdown Computer
snippingtool Snipping Tool
tabtip Soft Keyboard
mmsys.cpl Sound
psr Steps Recorder
credwiz Stored User Names and Password Wizard
mobsync Sync Center
msconfig System Configuration Utility
%SystemDrive% System Drive
msinfo32 System Information
systempropertiesprotection System Protection Settings
systempropertiesremote System Remote Settings
systemreset System Reset for Windows
%SystemRoot% System root
launchtm Task Manager
taskmgr Task Manager
control schedtasks Task Scheduler
taskschd.msc Task Scheduler
control.exe /name Microsoft.TaskbarandStartMenu Taskbar Settings
%Temp% Temporary Folder
control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting Troubleshoot Settings
tpm.msc Trusted Platform Module Management
useraccountcontrolsettings User Account Control
control.exe /name Microsoft.UserAccounts User Accounts
%UserProfile% User Profile
netstat View Active Connections in Command Prompt
sndvol Volume Mixer
slui Windows Activation
sdclt Windows Backup
firewall.cpl Windows Defender Firewall
wf.msc Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
%WinDir% Windows Directory
isoburn Windows Disk Image Burner Usage
migwiz Windows Easy Transfer
wfs Windows Fax and Scan
control appwiz.cpl,,2 Windows Features
optionalfeatures Windows Features
fontview Windows Font Viewer
winhlp32 Windows Help (not supported in Windows 10)
wmimgmt.msc Windows Management Instrumentation
wbemtest Windows Management Instrumentation Tester
wmplayer Windows Media Player
mdsched Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool
mblctr Windows Mobility Center
powershell Windows PowerShell
powershell_ise Windows PowerShell ISE
msra Windows Remote Assistance
wsreset Windows Reset
wscript Windows Script Host Settings
rstrui Windows System Restore
wusa Windows Update Standalone Installer
winword Word
Word /safe Word Safe Mode
wordpad WordPad
write WordPad
xpsrchvw XPS Viewer
\ Open C Drive
Dfrg.msc Opens Windows Disk Defragmenter

If we missed out on any useful command or you are facing challenges while using any of these Run Commands, Do let us know! We’d surely come up with a solution or an alternative to perform the specific task.

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