Make Your Life Easy With Google Assistant! Try Out These Cool Features

Make Your Life Easy With Google Assistant! Try Out These Cool Features

Nothing less than a genie. Google’s smart Assistant is Google’s very own personal assistant that can do almost everything you want it to, well almost!
In this article, we have tried to jot down 10 most impressing features Google Assistant have in its bag. So why wait, let’s have a look at all of them:

Things Google Assistant Can Do

Find Your Photos

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Having a bad day at home or office? In dire need of something to uplift your mood? Ask your Google Assistant to search for images of your favorite chocolate cakes and you will feel elevated in no time. Google Assistant proves to be the best, while you are sitting idle and wish to see pictures of your liking’s.

Make Use of Google’s Knowledge Graph

Google-Assistant Knowledge-Graph
Yet another smart feature of Google Assistant is the Knowledge Graph. Unlike primitive Google search, Knowledge Graph gives details and answers to the search results rather than just a list of links. Also, since Knowledge Graph can be accessed through voice, gives it an edge higher than those which can be used only through written commands.

Line up Your Favorite Netflix Shows and Movies

We hope you will not want to miss your favorite TV show or a movie with your family. If yes, just ask Google Assistant to stream the movie for you. In today’s date, Netflix being one of the most famous free movie streaming, apps can be used to view your favorite shows and movies.

Search Your Phone’s Screen

The coolest thing that Google Assistant can do on your Android phone and tablet is that it can search your phone’s screen. To use the feature, long press your phone’s home button whenever you wish to gain additional knowledge about something that’s present on your phone’s screen and swipe up on the Google Assistant page. Once this is done, Google Assistant will provide you additional data about the things on your smartphone’s screen. This feature is useful when you want to learn more about a movie, book a table at a restaurant, etc.

Make Google Assistant Your Weather Forecaster

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Planning to go to your favorite outstation location this weekend but you are worried about the weather. Well you do not have to worry now. Google Assistant can do the weather forecasting for you and you just don’t have to worry about anything. Google Assistant predicts the weather condition, if it’ll be sunny, cold or cloudy.

Play Music

Google-Assistant Play-Music
If you have Google Home, then one of the kewl things your Google Assistant can do for you is being a central hub for all your media files. Just connect your music streaming account, such as Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn or YouTube Music. Once connected say “Ok Google, play <song/artist/album>” to groove to your favorite tunes.

Don’t miss any Emails and Appointments

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The above-mentioned features are not the end, when talking about Google Assistant. Amongst the major features of Google Assistant is that it can easily draw information from other Google services and applications like the Gmail, Calendar and many more. Worried about losing some important mails you forgot to open and respond to, just say “Did I miss any emails from yesterday?” and it will pull up all the unread emails.

Ask Google Assistant to give a Daily Brief of Your Schedule

Google-Assistant Get-a-Daily-Brief-of-Your-Schedule
With Google Assistant, you can have a daily brief of your schedule. All you need to do is grant permissions to Google Assistant to use the numerous information sources such as future events from Gmail and appointments from Calendar to give you a daily briefing. Just say “Good Morning” or “What do I have to do today” and it will give you a brief of what’s on your to-do list for today.

Send a Text Message

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Wish to send a message to your friend relating to the plans that you have for evening. Just say “Ok, Google” followed by “Send a text message to (person’s name)”. Just say your message aloud that you wish to send to your friend. And that’s not all, Google Assistant also lets you make changes to the message you want to send. So, stay connected with your friends and family with the simply nifty App.
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