Is INK Editor The Best Document Editor App

If you write content for the web – there are hundreds and thousands of things that you need to take care of, right? And, if you are one of those who play the ranking game, just good quality content won’t do you much. And, honestly the document editor app would probably tire at some point of time too.

Is INK Editor The Best Document Editor App

If you write content for the web – there are hundreds and thousands of things that you need to take care of, right? And, if you are one of those who play the ranking game, just good quality content won’t do you much. And, honestly the document editor app would probably tire at some point of time too.

So, here’s what you do. You analyze the quality of your content, make it crisp so that it can attract traffic and then delve into the SEO so that it becomes visible on the web. Here’s the question – do you travel miles between each task?  How about a document editor app that has everything under a single roof.

No! We aren’t kidding. How about a word document editor app which takes care of all your content needs and is free!The awesome app that we are referring to is INK Editor which is also the best free word processor too.

What INK Document Editor App Claims To Be?

document editor app - ink editor

Is INK The Next Best Free Word Processor That Doesn’t Let You Go Wrong With Website Content?

INK document editor is an app that claims to be a revolutionary writing platform which helps writers create engaging content.  Here’s what it can do.

  • You won’t have to worry about SEO with this document editor app and you can focus on the ideas and the content
  • AI based platform that can work as per Google’s latest update BERT and complex algorithms
  • You can download INK word document editor both as a desktop app as well as a WordPress plugin
  • INK optimizes your content as per search engine, analyzes your target audience needs, analyzes your competitors and how to write content for Google.

What We Think It Is

To start with Once you install the application on your PC, you will be required to sign-up with your account. This won’t take much of your time. After having put INK to the test we observed the following things –

Simple Yet Effective Interface

The interface is decent, simple yet very effective. In fact, the inclusion of SEO is something that not many word document editors haveLet’s delve a little deeper –

The biggest plus here is that you can use shortcuts for your convenience. For e.g. when you press ctrl+1 and ctrl + 2, the left and the right hand panes open for whatever option you have chosen. INK undoubtedly champions the art of making shortcuts readily available to the user.

Ink Interface - Word document Editor

Let’s again visualize the whole interface as big sheet of paper surrounded by two thin strips or borders.

  • Left Border/ Pane

On the left border you have options using which you can open, close and save files, make notes on the outline and watch shortcuts.

  • Middle

In the middle of this word document editor you can assign head tags (H2 – H4), add quotes, change text indentation, alignment, insert images and everything that you do in a normal word editor

  • Right

The right border’s pretty crisp yet powerful! This is where the action happens – you optimize website content as per SEO  and check if there are any spelling or grammatical errors in your content.

INK is highly customizable. You can toggle what spelling and grammar checks you want on the text present in your word document editor.You can add words to the dictionary’s database.

Test On An Existing Blog

To check if INK is the next best document editor app for producing and optimizing content we tried an existing blog that was already published to check if INK was able to analyze it properly. And, it did a fair job!

  • INK gave real-time analysis of several factors. This personally was helpful as, we could keep track of which factor had already been checked and which one needed to be checked.
  • It analyzed the keywords in accordance with content relevance i.e. if keywords are well integrated and optimized into the given text
  • Gave the right report on article length and helped analyze spelling and grammatical loopholes
  • Broke down the SEO tasks into doable chunks (although the tasks were already performed)

To Sum Up And What More Can Be Done

With a word document editor like INK you won’t have to work the old school way. You now have a document editor app which comes with an integrated grammar and spell check and does the SEO for you.

Talking about what could have been better.We couldn’t find many flaws with this AI software. It’s just that it takes a little more time to integrate keywords, if this process is made, INK might just become the most perfect word editor available. Also, the relevance tasks disappear after completion, which should not happen. Last but not the least, the middle area gets hidden as soon as the right or the left pane overlaps it.

Apart from that, INK is a word editor that keeps your content on-point. Infact, this is the word document editor that every writer, SEO specialist or any content creator must definitely have.Hope, you liked the review and do let us know if INK has helped you draft high quality content just like us. For more such content keep reading Tweak Library.

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