How To Pin A Tab In Firefox

How To Pin A Tab In Firefox

Depending on your job, you may have to open many browser tabs and some of those you may need to open many a time in a day.
Also, you must be aware, tab opening starts from left and goes on the right side, which means the first tab you open will be placed at the extreme left unless you move it. This is the reason that most people often develops a habit to place their important tabs on the left. However, if you follow this practice daily than Firefox has some better solution for you, which is known as Pin Tab, using which you can lock those tabs which you often use and reduced them to just the size of an icon. This helps you to store your favorites in a confined space.
pin tab
The process to pin a tab is quite simple. To pin a tab, you just need to right-click on the required tab and select “Pin Tab” option from the drop-down menu. The tab will move to extreme left available tab, with its icon.
You can pin all the apps that you keep open all day. This will anchor all of them on the left and then you can move around the pinned tabs among each other as per requirement.
One of the nicest thing Pin Tab has that the tab loses “X” factor. You just cannot click on it, even by accident. It just goes away once the tab is pinned.
However, you can unpin any tab by recognizing its icon. To unpin a tab just right click on the tab and select Unpin Tab option from the drop-down menu.

Common characteristic about pinned tabs:

  • Pinned tabs will always be on the left. The first pinned tab becomes the first tab on the extreme left. Next one comes to its right and so on so forth.
  • Any new link that you open in a new tab will always come up to the right of pinned tabs. It may be one from within a pinned tab.
  • Pinned Tabs notify you with a blue highlight when they change. If you have set Gmail as a Pinned Tab, and you are using a different tab for new email, your Gmail tab will glow.
  • All the pinned tabs, in Firefox, will open as pinned tabs when you start Firefox again.
  • If you do not want to use a pinned tab, right-click on it and select “Unpin Tab”.
  • To get rid of it, select “Close Tab” from the menu.


So, if you also always wish to keep your favorite tabs opened at the extreme left of your browser then, just pin those tabs.

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