How To Opt-In and Out of Contact Tracing For Android & iOS

How To Opt-In and Out of Contact Tracing For Android & iOS

One way to contain COVID-19 from spreading from one person to another, is to maintain distance as much as possible. And, in a wake to find who has been tested positive for COVID-19 or people who have come in contact with someone who has COVID-19, there are several contact tracing apps which are built by government public health agencies.

In this blog we will take both the platforms i.e. Android and iOS simultaneously and see how you can opt-in, opt-out and delete logging data while using contact tracing app in Android or iOS.

But, First Thing’s First – Should I Be Scared?

Contact tracing android


Whether on the part of the government of a country or on the part of Apple (iOS) or Google (Android) itself, have our devices been planted with tracking apps?

No! The fact of the matter is that both the companies have partnered to create a technology which will allow government/public health agencies to track those who have been exposed to illness.

And, here comes an even important part whether you opt-in for contact tracing on Android or contact tracing on iPhone, as a user you get to decide whether or not to show your exposure data or notifications.

So, just to ease you up – don’t get scared when you hear the term “contact tracing” because in this pandemic this technology could prove to be life savior.

Also Read: France Alleges Apple For Not Helping With Contact Tracing App

Prerequisites – Preparing Device For Contact Tracing

For your device to be ready to opt in or opt out from contact tracing, here are some prerequisites that will help you prepare your device –

Android iOS
– You must have an Android device version 6.0 and above most preferably with the latest patch provided by Google

– An active Bluetooth connection because apps work on Bluetooth contact tracing

– Install a health tracking app (as per your country or state

– Active location (GPS) settings

– Update iOS to version 13.5 or above so that contact tracing can be activated on iOS

– Active Bluetooth connection since apps work on Bluetooth contact tracing

– Install a health tracking app (as per your country or state)

– Switch on the location settings on your iOS device


Also Read: Contact Tracing Apps”! Do You Want These on Your Phone

How To Participate In Contact Tracing In Android and iOS

Contact tracking

Android iOS
1. Tap on Apps

2. Tap on Settings

3. Scroll down and locate Google and tap on wit

4. Tap on COVID – 19 Exposure Notifications and toggle it on

1. Tap on Settings

2. Scroll and tap on Privacy

3. Now, tap on the Health option

4. Tap on Covid -19 Exposure Logging and turn it on

The public health app will now able to track you if you have any possibility of getting exposed to COVID-19

How To Opt- Out Of Contact Tracing In Android and iOS

Android iOS
1. Tap on Apps

2. Tap on Settings

3. Scroll down and locate Google and tap on it

4. Tap on COVID – 19 Exposure Notifications and toggle it on

5. Once inside click on Turn off Exposure Notifications

After this exposure information will not be shared with others.

1. Tap on Settings

2. Scroll and tap on Privacy

3. Now, tap on the Health option

4. Tap on Covid -19 Exposure Logging and turn it off

How To Get Rid Of Exposure Logs in Android and iOS

Android iOS
1. Tap on Apps

2. Tap on Settings

3. Scroll down and locate Google and tap on it

4. Tap on COVID – 19 Exposure Notifications and toggle it on

6. Now, select Delete random IDs

By doing this your exposure history for 14 days will be removed.

1. Go to Settings

2. Scroll and tap on Privacy

3. Tap on Health

4. Again, tap on COVID-19 Exposure Logging

5. Click on Delete Exposure Log

That’s it! All your exposure records will now be deleted

Why Would Contact Tracing Apps And Settings Be Powerful

We are not going to be homebound forever. We will have to get out of our houses, go to our workplaces, schools, universities, grocery stores, restaurants, which is when we stand vulnerable and exposed to the virus. At least these apps and settings will help government health agencies to cater to a situation in a prompt manner and less people would get affected.

If the blog’s been of some help and relief, do let us know in the comments section below. For more updates keep reading Tweak Library blogs.

Next Read:

Location Tracking Ban on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

What To Do When Your Smartphone Is Already Hacked

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