How to Enable Swipe Gestures to Change Watch Face on Apple Watch?

With watchOS 10.2, Apple changed the way people interacted with their Apple Watches. The watchOS 10.2 upgrade brings new capabilities like logging and accessing health data through Siri. It also simplifies the process of changing the watch face on the Apple Watch. Today in this blog we will explain the process of enabling swipe gestures to change the watch face on your Apple Watch.

How to Enable Swipe Gestures to Change Watch Face on Apple Watch?

With watchOS 10.2, Apple changed the way people interacted with their Apple Watches. The watchOS 10.2 upgrade brings new capabilities like logging and accessing health data through Siri. It also simplifies the process of changing the watch face on the Apple Watch. Today in this blog we will explain the process of enabling swipe gestures to change the watch face on your Apple Watch.

So, let’s get started.

Enable Swipe Gestures to Change Apple Watch Face

In earlier versions, to switch the watch face, you had to first press and hold the screen of the watch for a moment, and then use the Digital Crown to navigate through the options. But with watchOS 10.2 Apple revives the ability to swipe across the screen to change between watch faces.

Here’s how to enable it in watchOS 10.2 or above –

watchOS 10.2

  • On your Apple Watch open the Settings
  • Scroll down and tap on the Clock.
  • Now, hit the toggle switch against Swipe to Switch Watch Face to turn it on.

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In the earlier version you have to –

earlier version

  • Tap and hold that current watch face, an Edit button will appear with haptic feedback.
  • Now swipe right or left to see the watch face you installed on your Apple Watch.
  • Once you select a new watch face just hit the digital crown to apply it.

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However, this feature will work only with watchOS 10.2 or above. If you don’t have the latest version of the watchOS, update your Apple Watch first to the latest version of the watchOS. To check which version you have and to update watchOS follow the steps below:

  • Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch.
  • Scroll down and tap on
  • Now tap on About. Here you can see the current version of your Apple Watch.

If it is below 10.2 then update it right now! To update it follow the steps below:

  • Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch.
  • Scroll down and tap on General.
  • Now tap on Software Update.
  • If you find any updates, tap on Download and install.

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So, that was all about how to enable swipe gestures to change the Apple Watch face. If you are an Apple Watch user and found this new addition in watchOS 10.2 let us know in the comments below. Also if you liked this tutorial share it with your friends and family who own an Apple Watch.

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