How Much Data Does Netflix Use? And How You Can Reduce It.

Netflix users specially the ones with limited data plans always struggle with high data usage problem. Therefore, it becomes essential to know how much internet does Netflix Use. In this guide today, we will discuss how to save data while watching Netflix on Android and how much data is being used.

How Much Data Does Netflix Use? And How You Can Reduce It.

Netflix users specially the ones with limited data plans always struggle with high data usage problem. Therefore, it becomes essential to know how much internet does Netflix Use. In this guide today, we will discuss how to save data while watching Netflix on Android and how much data is being used.

So how much data does Netflix Use?

Data being used by Netflix depends upon the quality of streaming the content and the region.

Netflix recommends these speeds for different quality of streaming:

  • 5 Megabits per second – Required broadband connection speed
  • 5 Megabits per second – Recommended broadband connection speed
  • 0 Megabits per second – Recommended for SD quality
  • 0 Megabits per second – Recommended for HD quality
  • 25 Megabits per second – Recommended for Ultra HD quality

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Resolution According to Netflix Approximate usage
Low (480p) 300MB per hour 250-350MB per hour
Medium (720p) 700MB per hour 700MB-750MB per hour
High (1080p) 3GB per hour 3 GB-3.3GB per hour
4K (with and without HDR) 7GB per hour 7GB-11.5GB per hour


According to Netflix, when you stream video in low quality it uses .3 GB data per hour, for the medium quality, it uses .7 GB data per hour and for high quality, data streaming it will use up to 3 GB data per hour and will use 7 GB data for 4K content.

Data usage also depends upon the frame rate and bitrate of the video. Netflix provides both 24 fps and 60 fps content with different bitrate and it is also one of the factors for high data usage.

How you can save data on Netflix?

Saving data while using Netflix is a big deal, for users having limited data plan because once the limit is exceeds significant charges are incurred.

Worry not, you can reduce these data charges on your TV, browser, and on your Smartphone.

How to reduce Netflix data usage on your browser?

1. Open your web browser.

2. Open Netflix and login to your Netflix account.

3. Now go to the Account page and then go to playback settings.

4. From the playback settings screen, you can select the quality of your video from low to high.

Note: You can also stop the next video playback from the playback settings screen.

Once you change the video quality to low or medium your data usage will also decrease.

How to reduce Netflix data usage on your Android and iPhone:

  • Open the Netflix app on your Smartphone.
  • Now go to More tab at the bottom
  • Now go to App Settings.
  • From the App, settings tap on Video Playback settings.
  • From the Video Playback setting You can select from four different options i.e. Automatic (default), Wi-Fi Only, Save Data, and Maximum Data.

The automatic (default) setting will select the best settings according to speed and maintains a good quality of the video but uses data.

  • Wi-Fi Only setting will let you to stream data from the Wi-Fi plan.
  • Save Data setting will limit and help you to save the data.
  • Last setting that it Maximum Data will use maximum data it can use. (Use this setting only if you are on an unlimited plan)

How to reduce Netflix data usage on your TV:

The smart TV comes with a standalone Netflix app that let users to select video playback quality from Playback settings. Also, different apps like Roku, Android TV, Apple TV, and File have restricted resolution to 1080p which saves data.

Must Read: Netflix vs Amazon Prime Vs Hulu: Which is the best streaming service of 2020


Restricting data usage while using Netflix is helpful not only for those who use limited data plan. But it even helps people set a limit on their children. Using these simple steps you can limit data usage and save your data. Hope you like reading this comprehensive guide on how to save data on Netflix. Do leave us your comment and share your thoughts.

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How To Stream Netflix Content On Non-Smart TV

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