Cracking: How to Safeguard Your System From it

While there’s only a fine line that divides Cracking and Hacking, the former is far more devastating than the latter. Hacking can be done with both good and bad intent. Whereas cracking is specifically done with ill intent. Crackers are involved in the criminal activities like spreading viruses, stealing personal information, stealing credit card details.

Cracking: How to Safeguard Your System From it

While there’s only a fine line that divides Cracking and Hacking, the former is far more devastating than the latter. Hacking can be done with both good and bad intent. Whereas cracking is specifically done with ill intent. Crackers are involved in the criminal activities like spreading viruses, stealing personal information, stealing credit card details.

Crackers rely on vulnerability in a system to get into it. They do not differentiate between people to attack, anyone can be a victim of crackers.

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Who does Cracking?

Crackers are the sub-par hackers. Crackers use known tricks to break into a system. Crackers crack the system for different reasons like to get financial profit, for fun, for challenge and for any malicious reason. Generally it is assumed that crackers and hackers are same set of people trying to cause harm, however, crackers use their skills for malicious activity whereas hackers can be good and bad.

How to Identify Cracking?

It is very difficult to identify cracking.

If a software is cracked, their manufacturers will not know about it. People that are using public Wi-Fi won’t be able to identify if someone has cracked Wi-Fi network and stealing their information.

However, if you notice any malicious activity on your system or your accounts then it may be possible that you are a victim of cracking.

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How to Stop Cracking?

Until and unless people with criminal intent and skills exist it is impossible to stop cracking. Criminals are always trying to find new techniques to crack a system.

We can only stop them by increasing security of our system and keep check on our online activity.

How to Protect Yourself From Cracking?

  • Always keep good antivirus software installed on your system.
  • Do not download any software from any untrusted websites.
  • Do not disclose your personal information to any unknown person.
  • Do not send any important information on email.
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi.
  • Do not open any suspicious files.
  • Do not download any attachments from suspicious emails.

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Crackers are finding new ways to victimize users. They use different methods to attack. Crackers are always compared to hackers; however, hackers are not always cause harm whereas, crackers always cause harm to system. Sometime crackers break the system to notify about the weakness in the system. Attacks can be stopped easily if you are take security measures.

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