Top Ways to Convert PDF To Word On Android For Free?

Looking for top ways on how to convert PDF to Word online for free? And that too on your Android phone? We have got you the right solutions.

Top Ways to Convert PDF To Word On Android For Free?

Looking for top ways on how to convert PDF to Word online for free? And that too on your Android phone? We have got you the right solutions.

Our phones have become so handy that if a PDF comes to us, we can simply look it into the Word format then and there. How? Using an online PDF converter on Android mobile phone or downloading PDF to doc converter apps. No need to send those files on PC, open a converter and then work upon it.

Apps To Convert PDF To Word On Android

 1. Google Drive

Google Drive  

You must be already familiar with Google Drive and its cloud storage and backup capacity. But do you know it can also work as a PDF to Doc free converter? Let us tell you.

Download Google Drive on your phone, in case you don’t have it. Tap on the ‘+’ sign at bottom>select ‘Upload’>Upload the PDF file which needs to be converted.

Drive Upload

Open the file once uploaded, locate the ‘File’ tab, tap on ‘Save as’ button. Here, you can find a number of extensions to choose from.

Now when you are searching for PDF to Word converter, obviously tap on .doc extension.

Though Google Drive comes up with all the new Android phones, you can still download it if you don’t own.

2. PDF Conversion Suite

Known as the best PDF converter, PDF Conversion Suite is an easy to use tool which gives an option to convert PDF to doc for free. Moreover, it creates PDF or multipage TIFF from various document formats. Select the required action and source from where conversion is going to take place, and you are done!

PDF Conversion suite

Interestingly, it demands fewer permissions as expected and supports third-party apps as well. When talking about other supported features, emails, Excel sheets, image formats, powerpoint, webpages, and much more are settled for your ease.

3. PDF Converter

PDF converter

If you want to find the best way to convert your PDF into Doc, PDF Converter app can be supportive of your query. Not just PDF to Doc conversion is possible but it also scans your PDF, supports various cloud services like Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. and even supports various file formats.

If you think how PDF is converted into Doc, you need to select the documents, select the desired format, output type, quality, and page size and it will be done.

The bonus point is that PDF conversion is also possible in formats like Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, and even AutoCAD. Now you see why this PDF converter is recommended.

Online PDF To Doc Free Converter:

 If any of the above applications do not satisfy your query or you don’t want to download a third-party app on your phone, opening a browser in Google Chrome, Safari or another browser can help you. Simply, open the website, place your file and get it converted. But where are the websites where online conversion is possible? Let us help you with that.

1. SmallPDF

Even its tagline says, ‘Convert files to and from PDF’, SmallPDF is an online platform to twist the game of PDF easily. How to use it?


Choose the feature you wish to seek. For example, here it is PDF to Word. after this, it asks you to choose the required file. This file will be converted into Word into a few minutes surely. Once done, download it and use it. All these PDF to Doc conversion is free of cost and you are good to go!

Convert using SmallPDF.

2. LightPDF

How about another free online PDF to Word converter? Well, LightPDF is one such place which again provides multiple actions to work upon. Select ‘PDF to Word’, choose the file and let the upload gets completed.


After its completion, you will be able to find the Word file which can be used for future purposes. Thanks to LightPDF for making our lives simpler.

Convert Using LightPDF.

 3. Soda PDF


One more place to get your PDF into Word, be it in the phone, Google Drive or at Dropbox, is available here. Amidst hundreds of options to choose from, SodaPDF provides a variety of format conversions online.

To use this, once again choose the required file and tap on ‘Start Now’. and you are good to go!

Convert using SodaPDF.


So yes, we are finally coming to an end with the question of how to convert PDF to Word on Android. We have provided you with both the options i.e. downloading a new app or online. Now it’s up to you to choose which one suits you better.

Of course, if you are a regular user, apps are a better option otherwise online platforms are no less at all.

Moreover, if you want to send us any input or feedback, we would love to know them in the comment section below.

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