Best Family Apps To Use In 2025

Nowadays parenting is very stressful, you have a lot of duties at work and then organizing a family is a back-breaking responsibility to handle. I know it is tough to keep everything in mind and stay organized at the same time. In addition to this, no matter how much we thrive to balance our personal and professional life together we may end up in vain! Yes, this is stressful!!

Best Family Apps To Use In 2025

Nowadays parenting is very stressful, you have a lot of duties at work and then organizing a family is a back-breaking responsibility to handle. I know it is tough to keep everything in mind and stay organized at the same time. In addition to this, no matter how much we thrive to balance our personal and professional life together we may end up in vain! Yes, this is stressful!!

Family Organizer Apps

But we have got your back mate, today we are here to help you to stay organized with family and become a better version of yourself as a parent. You can check the below of amazing family apps through which you can stay more productive and organized in a family.

Best Family Apps For 2025

1. Cozi Family Organizer

Cozi Family Organizer

This is a must-have application according to The TODAY Show. With several awards on its name, this application is all in one family assistant that helps you to stay coordinated.

Its fully customized calendar helps track important dates and events or even set a reminder for a whole family at once. In addition to this, the Cozi Family Organizer needs only one active account for the entire family.

With its shopping list feature, there is no need to carry a grocery list all the way to market or no need to make a harassing phone call to listen to the items you need to purchase. Simply, launch your shopping list from this family application and there you can see the item added from either you or your family member.

Once you are done with shopping, I am sure you would like to cook something tasty when you get back home. Cozi is again here to assist you with its recipe box feature. You can search and download any recipe anywhere and anytime, and also add missing ingredients to the shopping list earlier.

Sounds amazing? Get this amazon family app from here.

2. Child Reward- Chores, Reward And Statistics

Child Reward- Chores, Reward And Statistics

Are your children becoming a bit lazy lately? Or do they skip their house task to save some energy? Here is the solution to keep them motivated to complete their chores. As the name says, you can give rewards to your children if they complete their assigned task of the day and they can redeem it later on from you as a gift.

Once you assign them a task and if they complete it by the deadline, there will be a reward for them, but if you as a parent don’t like the way a task is done you can simply reject it for another start.

However, there are some other amazing functions that you may like in this family app are the calendar that shows the progress of your child’s work and some smart predefined tasks for your naughty kids.

I am sure you will love it! Get Child Reward- family application from here.

3. Be Closer

Be Closer family apps

I am dedicating this application to everyone who cares for their loved ones. Just like my family, your parents were or still concerned about each other’s location and staying together.

So if you want to keep track of your family members or if you are scared of them getting lost. Here Be Closer is the family application that will keep you relaxed and safe.

Once you install this app on everyone’s device in a family you can keep an eye on the location of each other to stay closer and safe.

However, this is not a free family app, but you can have a free trial for three days.

Be closer is available from here.

4. Plano- Parental Control And Kids Screen Time App

Plano app for family

In this era of technology having a smartphone is very common! Not only adults but young teens are also in the clutches of these smart device and trust me they know better how to operate this little machine,

As we know having a smartphone in the hand of a child is not at all safer, so it is crucial to know what applications they use or all in one to have parental control on that device is certainly important. To resolve this problem you must have PLANO installed on your children device.

This application is created with the association of Singapore eye research institute (SERI) and Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)

This parental control application is totally based on science that reinforced the responsible device use and managed the eye health and vision of your children by automatically adjusting screen time and brightness of devices. And as a parent, you can also track their activities on smartphone and limit of block the use of certain unwanted applications

This app is designed to reduce the risk factors associated with myopia (short-sightedness) and manage your child’s device use, all at the same time.

Here is the link through which you can download this family app.

5. Kencil- School Parent Communication App


Taking care of your loved ones at home is not the only responsibility that needs to be taken care of. But taking care of your child studies is equally important, I agree with the fact that it is almost hard to manage time from busy office schedules to visit children school. I can relate this is so hassling task which needs time and patience

However, to reduce this hassle we recommend you to check the Kencil family application. With Kencil you will stay connected to your kids’ school and get regular updates of their school activities irrespective of time and location.

You will get insights into your child’s daily homework, attendance updates, announcements from school (with attachments), class timetable, events (with photos), school news, reminders, featured content on parenting, bus tracking and much more.

Final Words

I hope you like the list of family applications that you can use to stay organized and connected with your family. If you have any questions related to this blog let me know in the comments section.

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