Cross Site Scripting: Let It Not Snoop Over Your Browser

What is cross-site scripting?

Cross-site scripting or XSS attack is very common and unfortunately most of us do not realize. There are different types of XSS attacks available which can attack your browser and infect it with a malicious code. Whenever you visit some malicious website it sends malicious script to your browser which infects your browser, which then steals your personal details and gives them to hackers. Many hackers try to steal your data or redirect you to malicious websites.

Cross Site Scripting: Let It Not Snoop Over Your Browser

What is cross-site scripting?

Cross-site scripting or XSS attack is very common and unfortunately most of us do not realize. There are different types of XSS attacks available which can attack your browser and infect it with a malicious code. Whenever you visit some malicious website it sends malicious script to your browser which infects your browser, which then steals your personal details and gives them to hackers. Many hackers try to steal your data or redirect you to malicious websites.

How is it Done?

Your browser is always in touch with the websites you are visiting. Websites constantly send and receive different information to the browser. When a user visits some malicious website, or runs a malicious file on system then malicious content gets transferred to the browser. Infected browser then starts sending user’s personal information to the attackers.

Let’s take an example to show how cross site scripting works.

When you open a website, it needs to send the information to the browser. This information can contain malware which then sends all your information to the attackers.

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How to Know That Your Browser Infected?

There is no method which you can use to know that a script is trusted or not. And your browser is not capable to know the type of the script it is. Therefore, any malicious script can enter your browser and it will start to send your information to attackers.

How to Remove it?

To remove XSS vulnerabilities, website owners should find and remove XSS vulnerabilities. User’s on their own cannot detect malicious websites as genuine websites can also be infected.

However, users can use different tools which are available online to identify malicious websites.

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How to Protect Yourself from XSS Attack?

  • Keep Operating System of your device updated.
  • Do not download any software from untrusted sources.
  • Always keep good antivirus program installed on your machine.
  • Make sure to use ad blocker and popup blocker.
  • Always try to visit trusted websites and they have less chance to get infected.

Developers are working hard to find and remove XSS vulnerabilities in their websites. XSS attack is nearly impossible to detect by the users, there are no direct rules that help users to detect malicious websites.

Users can use different tools that can help them to identify malicious websites. Using the tools users can stay protected from websites that are infected.

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