Windows 10 Creators Update Adds More to Microsoft Edge

Windows 10 Creators Update Adds More to Microsoft Edge

Apart from the wealth of new services, tools, and other additions, Windows 10 Creators Update has also brought some major enhancements and improvement to the Microsoft Edge web browser. Although there have not been many changes in how Edge looks, there are a lot of new additions and features added.  Microsoft Creators update has introduced new tools in Edge to manage multiple tabs, an easier way to pay online, 3D support, Windows Store e-books etc. With all these new features and enrichments introduced with the Creator update, Edge is surely improved than before giving other browsers a tough competition.
Here are some key improvements you should check out.

Tab Management

Microsoft Edge adds a new tab management system that lets you organize your tabs neatly and with more finesse. If you’re working with a lot of tabs, click the Set these tabs aside button on the top-left corner and organize them in a special section for easy access when needed.

When you’re ready, you can access these tabs, by clicking the “Tabs you’ve set aside” icon (the first button in the top-left corner). You can click a tab to restore it, or click the Restore tabs link to restore a group of tabs.

Additionally, if you have a lot of tabs open, and you want to find a specific page in the sea of tiny icons and titles. Simply click on Show tab previews drop-down button (next to the new tabs button) to preview all the open tabs. You will see a thumbnail preview of each page. Just find what you want, and click on it to get back to browsing.


New Reading Experiences

Microsoft Edge has also improvised the e-book reading experience, allowing users to read books from right inside the browser. You can find books purchased from the Windows Store in the new Books section of the Microsoft Edge Hub located next to Reading list and History sections. You can customize your reading experience with the options to adjust the text size, spacing, font style, and page theme.
By clicking the Read Aloud button on the top-right corner you can make Microsoft Edge read your books aloud. In addition, you get controls to pause, play, jump to previous or next paragraph.


Microsoft Wallet Support

The new Payment Request API enables simpler checkouts and payments by connecting with the user’s Microsoft Account which allows easy access to payment information, securely saved in a digital wallet. This way you don’t have to navigate through the traditional checkout process and repeatedly enter the same payment and shipping address information.
The new Microsoft Wallet integration provides a faster and more consistent experience across websites, which saves you both time and efforts.

Improved Settings

The new Microsoft Edge also has some settings tweaks added to it. With this, you can decide whether to show the favorites bar below the address bar by customizing the Favorites bar settings. If yes, simply toggle on the Show the favorites bar.

You can even enable or disable the sites that can also be open in apps from the Advanced settings. For example, if you have the Facebook app installed and you’re trying to load, then you can configure Microsoft Edge to open the app, instead of loading the page.

Though not many major changes have been offered by the Microsoft Creators Update, however, it definitely has worked hard by providing interesting and innovative enhancements to Microsoft Edge browser.

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