Tips To Install Infection Free Chrome Extensions

Chrome that is one of the most preferred browser has a large database of extensions that not only provides Chrome added flexibility but also boosts its functionality. A user only has to visit Chrome Web Store, search for an extension and install it in the browser to enrich the browsing experience.

Tips To Install Infection Free Chrome Extensions

Chrome that is one of the most preferred browser has a large database of extensions that not only provides Chrome added flexibility but also boosts its functionality. A user only has to visit Chrome Web Store, search for an extension and install it in the browser to enrich the browsing experience.

However, since installing an extension in Chrome means providing it the permission to reside in your browser therefore many a times these extensions can be a threat to privacy, especially when they are compromised or malicious as a malicious extension can track your each and every browser activities resulting in more ads and pop-ups while surfing the web. Also, in the worst of situations, an infected extension can steal your saved password and user-ids making the security of your data vulnerable.

But, this doesn’t mean that all Chrome extensions are malicious and we should avoid using them. Therefore, in this article we have summed up some important tips to install Chrome extension that are infection free.

Thoroughly Check the Developer’s Name and Website

First things first. Before proceeding with the installation of an extension in your Chrome browser look out for the developer and its website that has developed that extension. This is one of the first step that will help you in differentiating between a malicious and a genuine extension.

You can check for the developer’s name just below the extension’s name as offered by. Now when you click on the developer’s name it will redirect you to the developer’s website where you can find more about the developer’s and his work. However, in case you do not find any website of the developer or the website did not provide much of the information then you have to do a bit more research at your end. And after research if you find anything fishy about the extension developer then it is better to avoid installing that extension.

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Never Overlook the Description

This usually happens with many of us, just after reading a line or two we completely overlook the rest of description that its provided with the extension. It is highly recommended that you go through the complete description till the end, that not only helps in understanding the functionality of the extension better but also gives you a complete insight of the extension that you are about to install.

Look Out for the Permissions that is Asked

An extension needs some permission so that it can effectively perform its task. This is the reason that whenever you choose an extension and click on Add To Chrome it pops up a permission window containing all the permission it needs. Read each and every permission thoroughly that an extension is requesting and evaluate that the permissions requested by an extension are really genuine.

For example, a text editor extension is asking for the permission for your location or for your online activities then there might be some catch. Therefore, first look out for the permission and if you find it appropriate then install the extension otherwise just leave it.

Read User’s Reviews and Comments

Like before purchasing any product from an e-commerce website we check for the user’s reviews and feedbacks, likewise we should check for the user’s reviews before installing any extension to the Chrome. Though reviews can be manipulative and paid but it’s not that much hard to differentiate between a genuine and a fake review.

Going through the reviews not only helps you to save your browser from faulty extensions but also lets you know about the common problems that the user faced after installing that extension. Also, if you find a lot many paid or fake reviews then it’s better to not install such extension.

Bonus Tip : If you are a technical person then you can also look into the source code of the extension in case it’s an open source extension.

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So, guy’s that’s it from our side. From now onwards whenever you are about to install an extension in Chrome then do watch out for all the tips that we have discussed in the article.

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