
All You Need to Know About Tab Grouping on Google Chrome

Chrome browser releases frequent updates with new versions that come with additional features you haven’t used on the browser before. Amid COVID-19 pandemic lockdown & geographical restrictions, whatever new update kicks in, we are trying to use the new updates more than ever.

With the new update on tab grouping, Chrome browser is customizing the overall features for users more than ever. For the betterment of user experience, Chrome is helping us realize managing multiple tabs better now.

Tab Grouping Feature on Chrome Browser V83

With few trials & last releases, Google is trying to test the tab group feature on the browser to organize your tabs in a better way. Now that company is satisfied with what they have about meeting their expectations, they have made the feature live on the beta phase. That means soon we all will be able to use the Tab grouping feature on our Chrome browser.

With the tagline of “Keep tabs on your tabs in Google Chrome”, Chrome is letting you use the new way to use your tabs.

There are two types of people in the world: tab minimalists who have just a few tabs open at a time and tab collectors who have…significantly more. For minimalists and collectors alike, we’re bringing a new way to organize your tabs to Chrome: tab groups. This feature is available now in Chrome Beta.- Edward Jung, UX Engineer (Chrome)

Jung also stated that , “others have been grouping their tabs by how urgent they are– “ASAP,” “this week” and “later.” Similarly, tab groups can help keep track of your progress on certain tasks: “haven’t started,” “in progress,” “need to follow up” and “completed.” My pro tip is that you can use an emoji as a group name such as ❤️ for inspiration or ? for articles to read. Tab groups are customizable so you can decide how to use them. And just like regular tabs, your groups are saved when you close and reopen Chrome.

What’s Does Chrome Tab Grouping Hold For Users

Since the internet has become more than a necessity that literally runs the whole world and we all are an integral part of it. On top of that, due to COVID-19 lockdown, almost all of us are either working from home or checking new recipes on the internet on different platforms. Be it anyway but the common issue can be that there would be many tabs on your chrome browser that you need to take care of.

What if you are working from home & simultaneously cooking some tasty food for yourself as well. That’s when you have many tabs that you’re working on and managing at the same time.

This is one of the many situations when you’d need to start categorizing your tabs & create tab groups. This will help you organize the tabs in a right manner so that neither your work gets hampered nor the taste of the food.

Another situation has definitely happened with almost all of us when we are working on many tabs in one time. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that our work on any of the open tabs has been taken care of, however, it’s still open. & in case you use those same tabs every day for your work, it’s the time when you think about grouping your tabs.

Start categorizing the tabs in different work related processes (to be finished, completed etc.) & you won’t have to switch to any of the tabs you are done with. Sounds exciting & promising to me!!

System Compatibility

Google is something that’s been common irrespective of what operating system you are working on. Chrome browser new update (tab grouping feature) is compatible & available from Mac to Windows, & ChromeOS to Linux. Although the company hasn’t made any launching updates about mobile operating systems (Android & iOS) but sooner or later, we are going to get it.

In case you aren’t okay with using Chrome beta phase, you can also use it on your own Chrome browser on condition that it has version 81 (Help > About Google Chrome). Just visit the chrome://flags/#tab-groups” page & enable the “Tab Groups” feature:

Wrapping Up

Google has always been known to provide good customer service to its customers and wonders happened. Now, Chrome browser is bringing something that we all have been struggling with, however, didn’t give a thought about tagging the same category tabs. So now when the company is releasing the update, let’s start using it & give our valuable feedback.

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