How To Find If Someone is Stalking You Online

The web today is full of websites offering services to give out your information to others. These details can be obtained for free or by paying a small fee. This might give you an uncomfortable feeling. But it is fact that cannot be ignored. Your personal data can be used to track you.

How To Find If Someone is Stalking You Online

The web today is full of websites offering services to give out your information to others. These details can be obtained for free or by paying a small fee. This might give you an uncomfortable feeling. But it is fact that cannot be ignored. Your personal data can be used to track you.

Therefore, to be on a safe side there’s no harm in knowing who they are.

Obviously, it isn’t necessary that everyone who has Googled about you intends to harm. They can be someone you wanted to connect with like a potential employer, friend, relative or others.

But this shouldn’t stop you from finding who’s searching you online.

Here, we bring for your four most common ways people use to search you or anyone else on the web.

Who is searching for you online?

There’s no concrete way of knowing who’s searching you online. But you can still get an idea about it by checking your social media profiles. A friend will probably search for on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others. While others with malicious intent or other purpose will use other ways.

To know about them, you can same tools like them. Honestly, this is the first step towards playing safe. 

Tips to Find If Someone is Stalking You Online

1.Google Alert

Using this tool you can set up alerts to know when someone has searched for you. Whenever, your name will appear on a website, social network, or forum you’ll be notified. This will help you to trace the message back to the person who has been searching for you online.

To use Google Alert you need to sign into Google and visit here. Here, create an alert by: entering the search term > email address where you wish to receive alert > Create Alert.

Note: To change frequency of alerts, language, region and others click on Show options.

This way you’ll be able to receive alerts when anyone searches for you on Google, website, social media, news page and others.

Also Read : How To Keep Cyber Stalkers Away From You?

2. Look for Social Mentions

like Google Alerts, you can use to know who has searched you specifically on social media platforms.

This web-based alert system is compatible with macOS, Windows 10, iOS and Android. To use it you’ll need to install the app and signup.

Once you sign up, sign in and create alert. Mention will start retrieving information from sources like blogs, social networks, forums.

Initially, certain sources are scanned you can edit them by clicking on Edit alert button. Mentions sends these alerts on your email. As you receive them to know who is searching for you online on the notifications. This way you can know in what context your name was searched online.

3. Setup a LinkedIn Profile

To find a job most of us contact consultancy services or online job portals. But there’s another better way i.e. LinkedIn. Using this platform, you can not only reach more employers but can also know who all visited your profile. To get details about the viewer you’ll need to become premium member.

At the same time if someone will use LinkedIn to track you down you’ll get to know that too.

4. Obituaries

Interestingly, when you are busy being dead a death announcement can tell people about you.

Your mention in an obituary in local press or online can be a place where people can find about you. 

Therefore, before you get any of our details published be sure about it and also think who all can get information about you from it.

Never forget people are always looking for you therefore it is essential to know about them and how they can search you online. By using aforementioned smart options like Google Alert,  and others you can stay updated about the people who are searching for your online.

Must Read : 5 Tech Tips On How To Go Invisible Online

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