Tangi App – Has Google Uplifted The Bar For Short Video Apps?

Google's Probable Response to Tik-Tok

Has this ever happened to you that every time you log in to the Netflix page, you get a new web series or show or some new movie? Well, I have had experiences. The same as I have had with using the App Store. Every time I visit the store, there is a new or the other app that is launched and is ready to use.

Tangi App – Has Google Uplifted The Bar For Short Video Apps?

Has this ever happened to you that every time you log in to the Netflix page, you get a new web series or show or some new movie? Well, I have had experiences. The same as I have had with using the App Store. Every time I visit the store, there is a new or the other app that is launched and is ready to use.

tangi short video app

The most discussed one today is Tangi Quick Videos, a social video sharing app to learn new things every day. Just as written above, every now & then we see new apps getting launched yet only a few get a chance to get recognized and Tangi is one of them.

What Tangi App is All About?

Well, in order to talk about Tangi bringing a probable revolution in the social media world, first we should know what Tangi App is all about.

Tangi is the newest addition from the App Store that will be used to create short videos. It’s a perfect combination of video sharing and learning new things from every one of those features.

Tangi App

Created & launched by Area 120 (Google’s workshop for experimental products), Tangi Quick Videos help you learn new things every day. It is a social video sharing app that accelerates your creative and styling skills to the next level in under 60 seconds. All you need to do is “Try It” and you are all set to share your work to the community.

Since social media is so popular these days plus the backing of Google (being the big player in the scene) here, it made the app speed up amazingly.

While talking about compatibility, for now, Tangi is available on Web and iOS only.

App Reviews

Being the app created by Area 120 (Google’s experimental lab) was enough for users to have faith in it and the reliability. Tangi Quick Videos became an instantaneous hit with 4.7 stars out of 5. Not that we should only look at the stars, the reviews are also quite positive.

tangi App Reviews

Obviously, there are a few reviews that require follow-ups because nothing is perfect at once. If you will have or consider everything perfect, there won’t be any room for improvement.

“The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement.” – George Will

The users have been quite happy with the way Tangi is working as while using the social video sharing platform, they are actually learning something and that’s rare.

After using the app, in case you have any suggestions for the developer, you can visit the link and share your valuable feedback.

Comparison with Tik-Tok

Since it’s a dynamic market outside, anything and everything you create, within no time you will know that your creation is in competition with an already existing product.

The same thing happened with Tangi Quick Videos where people started comparing it with Tik-Tok.  A social networking platform for video sharing Tik-Tok does have a few common features as Tangi does, however, the overall concept is far away from being similar. Tik-Tok is being used to make lip-sync, comedy, or talent videos wherein Tangi will help you sharpen your skills with anything and everything you see in there. Tangi is the concept of DIY video that helps you learn a lot of new stuff every day.

What Coco Mao (Tangi Founder) thinks of the app?

“We only focus on DIY and creativity content. Our platform’s goal is to help people learn to craft, cook and create with quick one-minute videos. We’ve been working with creators who already make these kinds of videos so that Tangi can become a place where they have a voice to inspire other makers,” he added.

How Tangi Will Bring Revolution In Social Media World?

Well, the more we listen to the word Social Media, I believe we start counting negative impacts rather than positive ones. Please correct me if I’m wrong here because now we have too many platforms to use those are in competition with each other. And though a lot of them offer the same kind of services to an extent, the same material gets circulated on each platform.

“Too many options will make a tyrant of us all”.

Now, this app comes “Tangi” that is a perfect combination of entertainment + sharpening skills.

Tangi iOS app

So in a way, we believe Tangi can bring revolution to the social media world. Spending so much time on social media wouldn’t be a thing to get bothered by our parents.

We will also learn while posting videos of what our passion is and also we will be able to create a community of the same interests people around the world.

Also Read: Best Social Media Content Creation Tools (Free & Paid)


Though Tangi Quick Videos is another addition to the App Store, it does look promising. Maybe the Google brand name tag or the concept has made it popular among users that we have started to compare it with Tik-Tok (an existing successful app) but it is not.

The app has been created with the concept of learning new things every day and making people learn the same.

There are and will be thousands of views but you got to analyze and pick your own one.

So don’t wait, visit the page (iOS / Webpage) and start using the app. Don’t forget to share your experiences and if it can change the way we think about social media.

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