How To

Make Your Chromebook Touchpad Work Properly Again With These Hacks

Smart devices are making their own place in the tech market. Just like many devices, Chromebooks, nowadays are becoming quite popular. Just like Windows laptops or MacBook, Chromebook too faces multiple hardware and software issues. While you are staying connected through your Chromebook, and find someday that your Chromebook touchpad is not working. This is an issue that will ruin all your set schedules and your day in whole.

Before you begin with this guide to fix issues with Chromebook it is important to know the reasons behind Chromebook mouse lag. The first and the very obvious reason is the dirt and dust gathered on your Chromebook touchpad restricts it from functioning properly. Another reason might be due to some frozen or malfunctioning software. Whatever is the reason, there are a few hacks that can help you get sorted with the touchpad not working on Chromebook issues.

This quick troubleshooting guide will help you fix a Chromebook mouse that’s not working.

Points To Consider While Resolving Chromebook Touchpad Not Working Error

Go through this quick workaround for a touchpad that is not working. Check if you are able to navigate through either an external mouse or your Chromebook’s touchscreen. If both are working, then the issue is just with your touchpad and can be fixed through a simple steps. If nothing works, try hard resetting a Chromebook. You might face a similar issue with the touchpad/mouse of your laptop.

Chromebook Touchpad Or Mouse Not Working: Fixes

Quick Checklist To Fix Touchpad Issues On A Chromebook

●      Make sure there is no dust or dirt on the touchpad.

●      Press the Esc key several times.

●      Drumroll your fingers on the touchpad for ten seconds.

●      Turn your Chromebook off, then back on again.

●      Perform a hard reset.

●      If you have more than one account on your Chromebook, delete the account that has problems with the touchpad, then re-add the account.

Method 1. Ensure That There’s No Dust And Dirt

Make sure that you won’t let any dirt or dust rest on any part of your Chromebook. A good cleaning is always an integral part of keeping a device up to the mark. If you find any dust particles on your Chromebook’s keypad or touchpad, try cleaning it immediately using a soft cloth or an air compressor to pull out anything that is knowingly or unknowingly stored within your key spaces.

Method 2: Press Esc Key Multiple Times


This method of pressing Esc key several times might sound vague, but believe me it works. Sometimes it is something on a particular page that restricts your touchpad from working. If this is the issue, Esc key comes for the rescue. Esc key stops a page from loading and can get things better after a few attempts.

Method 3: Drumroll Your Fingers On The Chromebook’s Touchpad

There are instances when the Chromebook mouse loses its vibrations due to dust or something and to regain it back, you can try drumming your fingers on the Chromebook touchpad for around ten seconds. Yes, when you Drumroll your fingers for ten seconds, it might bring back the long lost vibration and your touchpad might start working again.

Method 4: Restart Your Chromebook

In every tech article you will surely find this way. There is a reason behind restarting your system to fix any general issues and believe me or not it works often. This is because while you are working on a device, you often open and close apps leaving some of them running in the background. This might create a hassle and this is why we recommend you to power off and on your Chromebook to fix touchpad problems. If you are that lucky, this trick might work.

Method 5: Hard Reset Your Chromebook

Hard resetting a device like Chromebook can help resolve several issues like speeding up Google Chromebook, fixing the malfunctioning touchpad. For your information, hard reset does not affect your system files, so you can feel free to hard reset your Chromebook, anytime you face a problem with its touchpad or keypad. Here’s how to perform hard reset on a Chromebook:

  • Long press the Power button until Chromebook turns off.
  • Now press Power and Refresh buttons at the same time to reboot and reset the Chromebook.

Method 6: Delete Account That Is Facing Problem With Chromebook’s Touchpad

Last but not the least. Try deleting the problem account and re-add it to your Chromebook. This method applies to those who own more than one account on Chromebook. Also you can try switching to a different account and check if the issue persists.

A Tip To Consider:Before you delete an account on Chromebook make sure that you keep a backup of all your data. However, most Chromebooks work online and in the cloud.

These were some of the technical hacks you need to consider to get your Chromebook’s touchpad back in motion. We hope you find these tricks helpful and it helped your resolve Chromebook touchpad not working issues.

In addition to these best hacks to fix Chromebook mouse not working, we have some bonus tips for you as a suggestion. You can consider them too while trying other hacks to fix the mouse not working on Chromebook.

  1. Some Chromebooks have a function key that can turn off touchpad functionalities. To ensure which key does that, check your Chromebook’s user manual.  If this is the case, turn it on and enjoy using Chromebook mouse back again.
  2. Make changes to Touchpad settings and the way it works. For this go to Settings and then Touchpad on your Chromebook. You can try turning on or off some of its features, you never know which one might be of your great help. This is just a hit and trial recommendation. However tweaking settings might help.

Concluding – Chromebook Touchpad Not Working

These were some of the technical and non-technical list of tips and tricks to resolve ‘Chromebook mouse not working’ issues. If none of these tips and tricks helped, there is a problem with your Chromebook’s hardware. To get it fixed, you need to consult a technician for its professional check and repair.

Let us know in the comments below if you find us helpful in fixing ‘Chromebook touchpad not working’ error. Also feel free to seek any help or drop any suggestions. We would love to help.

Keep reading Tweak Library for more troubleshooting tips and tricks.

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