5 Best Health Apps For Android

Trying to shed those extra pounds you have gained in last few months. If you are trying to lose weight, work on your fitness, or eat better you should turn your attention to your smartphone. Yes, your smartphone can be your fitness trainer, counselor and dietician.

5 Best Health Apps For Android

Trying to shed those extra pounds you have gained in last few months. If you are trying to lose weight, work on your fitness, or eat better you should turn your attention to your smartphone. Yes, your smartphone can be your fitness trainer, counselor and dietician.

As per the recent studies, users who used fitness apps were much more active compared to non-users and get this even had a lower body mass index.

New apps are constantly being introduced with the aim of keeping us healthy, happy and organized. With these health apps, you will be well equipped to lose those extra calories and be healthier than ever before. Health apps will also save you the cost of going to a gym. You just need to know the right apps to download. We have tested hundreds of apps out there to give you our take on the best apps in the Google Play Store to help you stay healthy and fit.

Let’s take a look at the 5 best health apps for Android!

Best Workout & Fitness Apps for Android

1. Couch to 5K:

Running is a great workout you can do just about anywhere, so long there is a bit of ground to run on. The problem is lack of motivation to do it. If you wish to try running but never know where to start, Couch to 5K should be the best app to download. This app allows you to track your progress and log your workout routines. The free eight-week program gives participants three workouts per week that get you ready for your local runway.
couch to 5k min
Download on Google Play

2. MyFitnessPal:

MyFitnessPal is a known name in the best workout apps. It will assist you in maintaining fitness and lose weight. The focus of the application is to count the calorie intake so you can keep track of what you eat, how much you eat, and how healthy your food is. It will also give you tips on how much physical activity or exercise you must be doing to achieve your fitness goal. You will also find exercise programs that you can customize and cater to your fitness level. It also contains support for a lot of other services.
myfitnesspal min
Download on Google Play

3. 7 Minute Workout:

7 Minute Workout is one of the most used health apps. It helps you lose weight and get that flat tummy. The app piggybacks on the popularity of high-intensity circuit training, and guides you through the 7-minute workout routine, complete with diagrams and instruction on how to do each exercise and for how long.  You can do these exercises at the comfort of your house with minimum equipment.
7 minute workout min
Download on Google Play

4. Fooducate:

Fooducate is for those who want to keep track of their food intake to eat healthily. This android health app will not only count the calories you are consuming, but will also show you a detailed breakdown of the nutrition present in a packaged food. Just scan product barcodes to see a personalized nutrition grade. This app also suggests you a healthier alternative if your food is not high on nutrition. It will also alert you if the food contains any allergen.
fooducate min
 Download on Google Play

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5. Zombies Run:

Running can be a fun activity with this app. With this interesting app, people run from zombies. When each step gets you closer to carrying out your assignment, collecting resources for your base camp, and keeping humans safe from the zombie disaster.  The voice over in Zombie Run will tell you about the zombies lurking around and will offer the running statistics. Zombie Run gives you detailed information about your run. You can download this best workout app for free for Android.
zombies run min
Download on Google Play
There are so many other great android health apps on Google Play Store, but they demand personal discretion. These essential five best fitness  apps in the Play Store to help you stay healthy and fit.

Also Read: Importance Of Health And Fitness Apps In New Smart World

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