
What is Evernote?

We live in a world, where every second we get a new information. Also, there is a lot of information that is worth storing. Therefore, whether you are a professional or just a casual web user, you require a storage medium to organize your information neatly.
So, if your question is how can I store all my information in a single place then the answer is Evernote. It is a cloud-based software service designed for creating, organizing and storing various media files. You can keep a text document along with the attachment, a photo, a video, an audio file or even a web page. Evernote keeps all these in your own personal account.
It is just like a Google Drive, or Dropbox, you are familiar with, which provides the same kind of service. However, Evernote looks more for the creation of notebooks and notes rather than for uploading files. Also, it has many features that other services are not providing, and this is the reason that it is now a top choice for cloud storage and file management.
The feature which gives Evernote a distinctive place among different cloud services is its ability to automatically synchronize the data. Whenever you make any change in an existing file on any machine, it will sync up all the changes in your entire account. Now, you can access that file with the latest changes on any other machine.
Now every information of yours is so very well managed by Evernote that you feel relieved.

Useful Features:

Evernote keeps your information so organized that you can use it for almost everything. Below we have listed some salient features of Evernote:

  • Notes: You can keep all the pieces of information. That may be a written document, a web page, an image.
  • Notebooks: You can make separate folders that can be named. It makes you organized.
  • Tags: To keep two related topics separate, you can enter a keyword tag in the tag section of your note for easy access.
  • Atlas: If you travel a lot or has specific documents for a specific location and you have given permission to access your location, it will geocode your notes for you on several interactive maps.
  • Trunk: If you are new to Evernote, you can look for various tools here.
  • Web Clipper: It is a bookmarking tool. It helps you save web pages by letting it access your web browser data and tab activity. You can even browse through your own notes with it.


This free version of Evernote has everything one may need in the normal course. However, there are premium versions available that have better options. There is also a professional version that takes you to the higher level with the latest web technology.

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