Digital Marketing

Learn the Art of Blogging with These Tips & Tricks

The power of blogging is turning, marketing strategies of businesses upside down around the world. The undeniable fact that “digital marketing is the future” has strong reasons to prove that right. With easy access to the Internet and smartphone devices, billions of people are now closely connected to the world in a single tap.

Digital marketing is a broad term that consist of content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), paid marketing on search engines (PPC campaigns), email marketing, and other important elements. Out of these important elements, content marketing works as a core aspect for the whole digital marketing process where you need to create content for your users in addition to performing other important tasks.

To create this content, you can take blogging as a first step towards the main goal of connecting with readers and turning them into your clients. While blogging could be the easiest task for some, it could be a cumbersome job when you are amateur to it. To assist you with this problem, here we discuss a few important blogging tips & tricks to help you learn art of blogging.

Key Writing Tips & Tricks of Blogging

Research & Research More:  Before you decide the topic to write for a blog make sure you have done adequate research. Here, you should spend considerable time before you decide the topic for the day and do in-depth research on a selected topic. To do this, you can read content on the Internet from rich sources, ask for help from professionals in the industry, discuss it with your teammates, and do a lot more things. The idea is that when you sit to write, you must have a clear idea of what you want to convey to your readers with this piece of content.

Write for User Intent: Most credible sources placed on Google suggest that you should write for user intent instead of focusing on writing for search engines. The idea is that your content should look natural and should go in a flow of writing. You shouldn’t be bothered about inserting focus keyword here and there or writing thin content with degraded quality. For example, if you are planning to write a piece of content where you want to help understand users important steps of using some technology then it should cover all important aspects of that technology and how to use it.

Structure Your Blog: The next blogging tip is to structure your blog. Your blog should be structured in 3 important parts i.e. the introduction, the body part, and conclusion. In the introduction part you should introduce your topic to readers, in the body part you should convey the main message of the blog and in conclusion, you should summarize the most important ideas or draw a conclusion.

Furthermore, you should also use short paragraphs, bullets & numbers, and follow other best practices to help reader scan through the content. Here, word count also plays an important role thus you should keep a tab on your word length as well. Here, the writing style should be compelling enough to keep readers glued to your blog.

Also Read: Beginner’s Guide to Start a Blog in 2019

Use Best SEO Practices: Some may debate whether it is necessary to follow best SEO practices while writing a blog, but truth is that yes, it is required if you want to rank your blog on SERPs. While there are tons of on page and off page SEO techniques you should follow at least a few basic techniques if you want your blog to be visible on search engine results page (SERP).

While writing for user intent is always suggested by professionals, you can’t ignore the importance of best SEO practices. As these best SEO practices send the signals to search engines to understand what your content is about and how it could help users. These best SEO practices include optimized title tag & meta description, using focus keyword, optimizing images, proper link structure with the keyword in the URL, and more. You can even use best SEO tools to optimize your content for best rankings on SERPs.

Proofread Your Blog: Always proofread your content twice if not less before you publish it on your blog. It will help you find and correct typing errors, grammar errors, and other irregularities. You can even take help from third person to proofread your content. Furthermore, there are also third-party tools available to help you proofread & edit your content before you publish it. Following this simple blogging tip, you can keep your blog free of errors.

Interlink & external Linking: Interlinking your content with similar content published before will help you make fresh content a great resource of information. Here, you should also include external links to reliable sources where needed. You can also include videos, podcasts, infographics, and other content sources to this piece of content.

Create Content Calendar: The next important blogging tip is to create a content calendar for your blog. Here, you need to decide the main categories you are writing about on your blog and make a calendar for a specific topic on a specific day. For example, if you write about technology then you can cover Android on Monday, iOS on Tuesday, Windows on Wednesday, Mac on Thursday, Linux on Friday, and so on.

Ask for Readers’ Engagement: With every blog ending, you should encourage readers to share their knowledge or opinion about the said topic. It will not only help you gain popularity and increase trust factor, but it will also send positive signals to search engines that readers are interested in your blog.  You can also try to run engagement campaigns to increase user engagement on your blog.

Market Your Blog: Now when you have established online property in the form of a blog, you can try to monetize it. After all, all sweat, and blood was for earning money, right? To do this, you can sell products or services for third-parties on your blog, contact advertisers for ads, run ads from Google Adsense, or do similar things.

Source: myventurepad

Must Read: Benefits of Blogging for Business in 2019

Read & Read More: This is another pro blogging trick that helps hone your blogging skills. The more you read the more you get ideas to improve your blogging style. You should read the content of all types to understand different writing styles and how they are delivering content. To do this, you can rely on original sources and other rich resources available for different categories.

So, this was a quick review of some of the most important blogging tips & tricks. If you know more such tips, then feel free to share in the comments below.

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