How To Reopen Tabs Of Last Session At The Start Of Your Browser

How To Reopen Tabs Of Last Session At The Start Of Your Browser

While searching for a solution or getting any information from the web it is a general tendency of the users to open various webpages, resulting in opening of various tabs. But what if, due to any unforeseen issue your browser crashes or your system shuts down automatically. No need to lose your nerve as we are here with a solution.
We will explain in detail that how one can restore one’s browsing session even after completely closing the browser.
As every user has its personal preferences for the browser, therefore in this article we will try to cover all the popular browsers.


If you use chrome as your default browser, then follow these steps below:

  1. Open chrome and click on the chrome menu button located on top right corner of the screen, and click on settings.
  2. In the new tab that opens, select ‘Continue where you left off’. It will automatically save the settings.


If you prefer Firefox as your main browser, then please follow these steps:

  1. To get things starting click the Firefox menu button located on the top right corner, and click on Options.
  2. In the General section click on ‘When Firefox starts’. Now from the drop-down list, select Show your windows and tabs from the last time.

The settings will be automatically saved. Now whenever you start Firefox it will restore your last session.

Microsoft Edge:

If you use Microsoft Edge to browse the internet and wish to restore your last browsing session, then go through the steps given below:

  1. Click on the menu button, located on the top right corner and select Settings.
  2. In the Settings Pane that opens, click on Open Microsoft Edge with and from the drop-down menu select Previous pages.

Internet Explorer:

If you still an Internet Explorer lover, then I must tell you that this feature is available in that browser as well.

  1. Open Internet Explorer, click on the Gear icon located on the top right corner and select Internet options.
  2. In the General tab select ‘Start with tabs from the last session’. Click on ok to save the changes.

So, from now onwards whenever you accidentally close your browser or your browser crashes then you need not to worry, as all your previous tabs will be automatically restored when you the launch the browser.

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