Malware News

Difference Between Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse

Often people mix terms like worms, trojan, spyware, they use them whenever there is a discussion on computer virus. But let me tell you using them interchangeably is...

Trojan horse! Take Prevention

Trojan horse is a type of malware which poses as a legitimate software or is attached on a genuine software or file and infects the system. It can...

Life Threatening Malware: Triton

Recently security researchers have revealed another dangerous piece of malware targeting industrial control systems (ICS). The infectious code dubbed Triton and is also known as Tisis, designed to...

Leakbase Is Reportedly Dead!

DDoS Attack bids farewell to Leakbase DDoS attack is rapidly increasing both in terms of frequency and severity. Recently, a website known Leakbase went offline following DDoS Attack....

IcedID New Banking Trojan

Over the past years, cybercrime has grown exponentially. Scammers use different tricks to dupe users, all of which have financial motivation. Recently, a new banking trojan dubbed IcedID,...

Tips To Stay Safe From Cyber Attacks This Cyber Monday

More than 60% Americans are expected to participate in Cyber Monday sale this year. Thus, with such great participation, there is a huge risk of online shoppers getting...

What is a cyber-attack and how it affected us this year?

This year has been rough for IT industry due to many cyber-attacks. What is a cyber-attack? A cyber-attack is performed by hackers using a computer or a group...

All about Ransomware Attacks in Mac

Most of you must be wondering what ransomware has to do with Mac? Mac has held the impression of being secure against Ransomware attacks for years now. Attackers...

Protect Your Mac In 7 Ways

Worried about Mac security, want to protect it from emerging ransomware attacks? If yes, follow these simple tips to add a protective shield to your Mac. Malware is...