For Mac

How To Enable Night Shift On Mac

Do you frequently use your Mac in late hours? If yes, you must for sure try the latest Night Shift feature on your Mac. Night Shift reduces the blue light and shift the color balance towards the warm end of the spectrum thus produces an image that is relaxing to your eyes and reduce eye strain.
Several Mac users have been using the blue light reduction software f.lux for many years. However, with macOS Sierra 10.12.4, there’s no need to install any additional app, as it comes inbuilt with the operating system now.
Night Shift is a great feature that is recommended for all Mac users if they use their computer at night. Enabling this feature the display will shift to a warmer color in the evening hours and shift back to the regular color again in daylight hours automatically on a schedule.
Here’s how we can setup and use this great feature on Mac.

  • Click on the Apple logo at the top left of the screen, and select System Preferences from the context menu.


  • From the System Preferences window, select the Displays option.


  • On the next window that opens up, click on the Night Shift tab.
  • By default the Night Shift mode is off. However the same can be enabled from the Schedule dropdown menu, by selecting either “Sunset to Sunrise” or “Custom.”

The Sunset to Sunrise option will turn on Night Shift mode automatically every night when the sun sets and turns off when the sun rises based on local sunset and sunrise timings. It requires the location to be enabled from the Security & Privacy Preferences so that the Mac machine knows you are located in the world.

On the other hand, selecting the Custom option lets you choose at what time you want Night Shift to turn on and what time you want Night Shift to turn off.


Adjusting Color Temperature

From the same section, you can also adjust the color temperature that you want Night Shift to use. By default, the temperature is set to the middle, but if you drag the slider to the left, you’ll get more blue light, and if you drag it to the right, you’ll get a deeper yellow shade with less blue light.

If you are someone who uses Mac regularly at night, enabling the Night Shift would be of immense help.
Also Read: How to Disable the Trackpad On Mac When External Mouse is Connected

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