
Why use Two-Step Authentication For Social Media Accounts?

Now a day’s social networking websites/apps have become one of our biggest need. Whatever we feel, where ever we go, whom so ever we meet, we let the world know by the medium of these social accounts. If we say that it is somewhat impossible for many of us to live without social websites or apps, then it would not be a hyperbole.
Since from their inception social media are used as a medium for connecting with our loved ones and sharing our all types of emotions. We were so busy in sharing the stuff with our loved ones that we almost forget that we have stored a lot of our private and sensitive information over these social accounts.
As you all know that identity theft is one of the biggest threat with which the whole world is struggling. Though governments and intellectual minds are searching a way to curb this threat, however, it is also our duty to keep ourselves protected against these types of threats by keeping our personal data secure and intact.
Also read: What Is Identity Theft?

What is Two-Step Authentication?

Two-step authentication is a security feature that provides an extra layer of security to our social accounts. This authentication feature compromises of two things, something you know and something you have. For example: if you talk about Google’s two-step verification feature: The thing which we know is the password of our account and the thing which we have is our phone in which we get our verification code.

Why use Two-Step Authentication?

As we all share our private and sensitive information over various social accounts, therefore using just a login password is not enough. Also, an account password no matter how strong it is can be easily cracked by phishing attacks. Therefore, using just, a password for the security of your social account is just like an open invitation for hackers. So, if you question is what could be done, then the answer is to use two-step authentication to keep your account safe and secure.
Also, now almost every social media account has provided two-step authentication for its users. You just need to enable it, so that in case if someone anyhow gets your account password then also he cannot login to your account. In this way, your account remains secured and your data remain safe.
Though two-step authentication process is proving very handy however we should also keep on following basic security method like accessing our account in browser’s private mode, when using a public computer. Always update the browser and social networking apps whenever an update is available. Never forget to log out from your social accounts once you have used them.
It is true that two-step authentication is not a 100% guarantee for the security of our accounts, however, it still gives a positive indication that all the social networking websites and apps are equally concerned about the security of their user’s data. We are quite hopeful that in future also, all these social networking websites and apps will come with more strong security features.

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