
Malware That Threatens To Leak Your Photos To Friends – LeakerLocker

The world of internet may be full of opportunities and innovation but there is dark side of every facility you have. Here, this dark side could be related to your security or privacy. Especially now, when there’s a rare type of Malware that took over the global user base threatening to send your pictures to your friends. This infection is popular by the name of LeakerLocker, the latest ransomware attack that directly targets your privacy. For users who keep their personal and family photos on their devices, it could be alarming and it’s important that they pay extra attention to their browsing habits and have a good anti malware installed.

What is LeakerLocker?

LeakerLocker ransomware is a different type of malware that could be downloaded on your device mistakenly from any source, which previously included Google Play Store too. Unlike other ransomware that encrypt your files and ask for money in return to decrypt them, LeakerLocker is one of its type that threatens you to leak your pictures, messages and internet browsing history, everything that may make you feel embarrassed, to your friends. Also, LeakerLocker doesn’t come from any insecure or unregulated website, you may accidentally get it on your device from any app store.

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How does it work?

LeakerLocker is a ransomware that comes hidden along with an app that you download from any source. As per McAfee, which is one of the largest online security organizations, both Wallpapers Blur HD and Booster & Cleaner Pro apps carry this ransomware that is capable enough to put you in an embarrassing situation in scarce of an effective anti-malware. McAfee adds, “LeakerLocker locks the home screen and accesses private information in the background, thanks to its victims granting permissions at installation time,”.

Although, it sounds scary that it can access the data even after applying so many security features and apps, but it is not true. As McAfee said, “Not all the private data that the malware claims to access is read or leaked. This latest ransomware attack makes the infection read a victim’s email address, random contacts, Chrome history, some text messages and calls, pick a picture from the camera, and read some device information.”

Wallpapers Blur HD had around 5000 to 10000 downloads with an average rating of 3.6 stars, whereas the Booster & Cleaner Pro app had around 1000 – 5000 downloads with a whopping 4.5-star rating. Although, both the applications had been reported to Google and aren’t currently available on Google Play Store anymore. But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get them on your device from any other source.

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Bottom Line

Overall, LeakerLocker ransomware is more of an embarrass ware than a malware as it may publicize your data. It is advised that you keep a keen eye on everything you’re installing even from the Play Store. Also, keep your smartphone guarded with Smart Phone Cleaner, a one-stop solution to optimize your device and keep malicious content at bay. The application is packed with an incredible set of features to free up storage space, speed up device performance, organize and manage your files/apps and protect your device against malware attacks. You must perform      a manual check-up in search of anything that you don’t recall installing on your phone to avoid any latest ransomware attack. If you have to download any program that doesn’t exist on Play Store, always download it from the official website of the publisher and check for the SSL certificate. If you know some useful tips and tricks to guard your devices from malware, do let us know in the comments below.

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