Windows Troubleshooting

PC Freezes While Playing Games on Windows 10? Follow The Fixes Below!

There are various reasons that cause your system to freeze while playing games. Often the culprit behind this glitch is corrupt system files or outdated drivers on your...

How To Fix “One Or More Audio Service Isn’t Running” Error On Windows 10?

“One Or More Audio Service Isn't Running” Error On Windows 10 is a common error for users. It occurs when we are either trying to troubleshoot audio playback...

How To Fix Printer Offline Issue on Windows 10

Printer Offline error is one of the most common errors related to printers reported by Windows 10 users. This error generally arises when your Printer is unable to...

Monitor Not Displaying Full-Screen On Windows 10?Here’s The Fixes!!

Full-Screen on Windows 10 is equally important as a Pizza with soda! Hence when we have a bigger screen than why not we can opt for full-screen mode...

Unable To Access Websites On Edge? Get The Fixes Here!

Although there’s a fair chance that you ignored the rusty old Internet Explorer in favor of better internet browsers. Nevertheless, the introduction of Edge has pretty much leveled...

Encountering High CPU Usage By Antimalware Service? Fix-It Now!

Everyone has encountered a situation when we complain about high CPU usage. I know this is not a new term in the Windows 10 ecosystem. But have you...

5 Best Windows 7 Alternatives To Use After Its Death

According to a report, there are almost 1.3 billion PCs that are still running on Windows 7! But Microsoft has already announced they’ll stop all support for Windows...

How To Fix The” Requested Resource Is In Use” Error

Are you getting the error ‘Requested Resource is in use’ while trying to copy a file, or opening a drive? If your answer is yes, then this article...

Fix For Wi-Fi Icon Missing In Windows 10 Problem

Whenever a Windows 10 PC is connected to active Wi-Fi network then by default the Wi-Fi icon displays on the taskbar of your Windows 10. However, if Wi-Fi...