Malware News

How To Protect Yourself From Grayware

Have you ever come across a program on your computer which you don’t recollect installing? This happens very often when we download programs in bundle and don’t give...

How Can A Password Manager Help In Avoiding Malware Attacks?

For almost 35 years, we have been using the Internet yet most users make the same mistake while creating account passwords.  According to a security report most commonly...

Dark Tequila Malware Compromising The Banking Sector

Dark Tequila is a complex malware that is primarily designed to attack banking institutions. The malware was functional from the last five years but was recently detected by...

MARAP – A New Malware Hitting Banks & Financial Institutions

In the world of jeopardies, chaos and digital threats what can one expect? Totally nothing. Because now even preventive measures don’t work when it comes to cyber threats...

How To Safeguard Yourself Against Encrypted Email Malware

Cyber-attacks are online criminals and focusing every day on developing new techniques to target users via malware, ransomware, and spyware. In the past two years, most of the...

Beware Of Android Phones With Pre- Installed Malware In The Market

Well, we are not very far from the world where one day, everything that can protect you or can give you shelter will be hacked and controlled by...

Another Ad Clicking Bot Malware in Android Leaves 60,000 Infected

Another day, another malware, and this has become so normal and regular now. We are all so tired of cyber threats now. As we aren’t safe anywhere anymore....

SamSam Ransomware: An Elusive Malware

Ransomware is one of the cruelest malware that target your machines and confidential information then ask for money against it. The frequent activities of ransomware these days have...

Different Ways Used By Cyber Criminals To Spread Malware

These days, cyber security incidents like phishing, spam emails, malware, website intrusion and exploits are making news headlines. Cybercriminals leave no stone unturned to access user’s data for...