How to Protect Your Computer from Becoming a Cryptocurrency Mining Machine
Mining cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular with increase in the value and according to specialists around the world this value will only go up in coming...
How to Make Your Smart Home More Secure
Few years ago, we could only visualize a world where everything in our lives could be connected to internet and each other. But no longer this is the...
How to Identify And Stay Protected From Rogue Security Software And Scareware
Number of online scams have increased rapidly over the years. Scammers are developing new techniques to scam users out of their hard-earned money. Scammers also use Rogue Security...
How to Be Sure a File Is Safe to Download
We live in times when we are always concerned about the security and privacy of our data. A steep rise in malware attacks itself tells the story that...
How to Use Windows AppLocker to Prevent Cyberattacks
When we talk about system security we often hear a term called whitelist. But, have you wondered, what is it? And how is it helpful? The term whitelist...
How To Safeguard Yourself From Social Engineering
What is Social Engineering? Social engineering is a technique of attack which is based on human interaction. By using Social engineering, hackers trick individuals to give their personal...
How to use Mac Parental Control on Mac OS High Sierra
Want to keep your children's activities in check? Want that your children shouldn’t watch an offensive content online? As such content commonly have malicious codes attach with them....
How to Protect Your System from Malware Attacks
Everything in this world has two aspects,both good and evil. This same thing goes with technology as well. Where on one side it made our lives easier, but...
How To Remove PUP From Mac
We all love Mac OS for its security features, but do you know that Mac OS is susceptible to potentially unwanted programs (PUP)? These programs display advertisements, generate...
How To Get Rid Of Malware On Mac
Mac is commonly seen as less prone to cyber-attacks than Windows. However, it’s grown popularity has attracted attention from hackers like honey draws bears! Mac users are considered as...
How To Create Microsoft Account Using Gmail or Yahoo! Mail On Windows 10
Microsoft account is one of the most important requirements of a windows 10 computer user. However, many users are not aware that it is possible to create a...
How to Make your Internet Surfing More Private
As the technology continues to spread its wings in all directions, the word ‘privacy’ is going more vocal. Smartphone with the help of internet is letting us do...