Cyber Security

NotPetya: Devastating Cyber Attack That Caused Ultimate Turmoil

NotPetya cyber-attack left every IT professional dumbstruck! Too many organizations were affected and there was no way to recover from data or financial loss. A few reports claim...

Hacks To Protect Customers Data From Cybersecurity Threats

Due to the unexpected rise in the growth of cyber-attacks on business, cybersecurity has become the priority of every small and big business. Cyber attackers are relying on...

Cyber-Kinetic Attack: A Reality Or Myth?

The world we live in is becoming more and more connected each day. Thousands of RFID and IoT devices are installed and this is making us more dependent...

Cyber Security Dos and Don’ts Every Tech Novice Must Know

“The first step in securing our cyber future is education, and that means everything from educating individuals to companies to the next generation of IT professionals.” Dan Lipinski....

What Is Cyber Insurance And Why Do You Need One?

In this era everyone is dependent on technology; be it for transferring data electronically or for protecting your valuable information like credentials. Due to too much involvement of...

How Cyber Criminals Use Adware to Make Millions

There's not many of us that haven't battled with adware in some form or another, at one or more points in our online lives. We all recognize adware...

Top Artificial Intelligence Cyber Security Tools You Need to Know

Experts were considering Artificial Intelligence in cyber security as a silver bullet to wage war against cybercrimes. But recent AI based malware attack has shaken the very foundation...

3 Reasons Why Cyber Criminals Love Social Networking Sites

Malware has been around on the Internet for just about as long as anyone would care to remember, totaling hard drives, pestering users with ads and even controlling...

Is it safe to use AES 256 Bit Encryption?

AES-256 is known as Advanced Encryption Standard which is a key generation technique and come into the play to steadily encode the data. Moreover, it is an advanced...