Digital Marketing

Blogging Mistakes that You Should Avoid

“Blogging is nerd’s business”, well not really!

The humble beginning of personal diaries has come across a long road and now is a profitable business of blogging. Not even a decade ago blogging wasn’t considered as a career option instead it was a platform to share your experiences and personal life. However, the emerging trend of micro-bloggers, is changing the overall blogging scenario.

Now blogging is considered as a serious option even by the largest organizations around the world. They have a separate blog section on their sites to spread-word about their products & services.

Whether you are a blogger or an amateur it doesn’t matter. One of the important aspects of blogging is to avoid blogging mistakes. These mistakes not only harm your business reputation, but can also cause serious revenue losses.

10 Blogging Mistakes that You Should Avoid

Complex blog domain name: If you have a blog domain name that is degeneration of some popular word with special characters, and your favorite numbers in it. It might sound cool, but this is not something your readers are looking for.

Source: alternativeinvestmentcoach

This simple degeneration may cost you time & money for no good reason.

Notice all popular blogs and you will find one common thing, they have simple domain names without the fluff. You can read them easily and remember them for a long time. Thus, the best advice for you is to keep the domain name simple and easy to understand. Keep it 2-3 words long preferably. You can even use popular keywords related to your industry.

Not setting a clear blogging goal: Blogging without goals is next mistake you should avoid. When you are investing in a blog, earning money from it, is undeniably one of the goals. But you should think of the long run when it comes to blogging. You should not blog everyday thinking it will earn you a few bucks tomorrow instead try to develop it as an online property that is helpful to share information with readers for their day to day problems. It will not only build trust on your blog, but it will help you in longer run.

Source: pixabay

Not capturing leads: This is another mistake most bloggers do. No matter if they have started blogging recently or doing it for years. Letting go readers from your blog without asking them for subscription or email ID is something you can’t afford when you have plans to monetize your blog. Thus, there should be an effective mechanism to capture leads from your blog in any possible method to track your readers. This simple trick will help you understand readers buying journey.

Also Read: How to Start WordPress Blog for Free in 6 Easy Steps

Source: pixabay

Lack of research: If you don’t research enough before writing a blog it is simply a brain dump. You are not providing any valuable or useful information to your readers. If you simply write what interests you without proper topic & keyword research, then chances are high readers will not stick to your blog for a long time. Another important thing is using data as evidence to build creditability of your content.

Source: pixabay

Missing on internal linking: Proper internal linking to other useful resources from your blog not only makes your blog information-rich, but it will also help you spread blog authority equally to all pages. It is useful SEO practice you can follow for improved results.

Also Read : Benefits of Blogging for Business in 2019

Source: moz

Unorganized publishing: Readers simply don’t read your complete blog at first instead they scan & skim the content. The general mistake blogger, do is they write well-researched piece of content but forget to organize it for better reading. Here, you should write short paragraphs, use bullet-points & numbers, use headings & subheadings, use proper introduction & conclusion part, and follow similar practices for better readability. You can even use best SEO tools to know readability score of your content and understand other important aspects of your content.

Source: entrepreneur

Writing thin content: Writing thin & poor-quality content is a mistake that is unavoidable. If you write for crawlers instead of user intent, then it will surely backfire. Plagiarism is also an important aspect you should take care of. To avoid thin and poor-quality content you should do in-depth research of topic, do keyword research and write long-form content to provide enough knowledge to readers about the topic.

Source: hypercube

Lack of editorial calendar: Most bloggers miss on consistency part when it comes to blogging regularly. If you don’t have writing schedule and editorial calendar, then your blogging efforts may go in vain. Thus, you should write with consistency on regular intervals to provide useful information to your readers.

Source: pixabay

Wrong CTA placement: Using wrong CTA placement may not generate expected outcome when you are writing long-form content. As studies suggest, almost 60% of the readers don’t read complete content, thus you can’t rely on only 40% readers who read till the end and place CTA at the end of the blog. Thus, try placing CTA in the middle of the content where suitable.

Also Read: Learn the Art of Blogging with These Tips & Tricks

Source: stevens-tate

Missing on crucial analytics report: Tracking analytics is a good practice to know traffic and user behavior, but if you solely review temporary traffic you may fail to understand future traffic changes from your present report. Temporary traffic may arise by sending emails, social media sharing, and similar ways that don’t last long. Thus, you should keep tab on organic traffic that is coming from search engines organically when you plan your content and SEO strategy.

Source: shopify


Knowing basic blogging mistakes could help you avoid them for enhanced blogging experience. It will also help you to keep your readers cemented to your blog. Here, we have shortlisted some of these crucial blogging mistakes you should avoid. If you want to share your experience while blogging, then feel free to comment in the section below.

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